Glitch64 SVN r90 - 模擬器

Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2010-02-25T21:14

Table of Contents

Glitch64 SVN r90 is released.GlideHQ is a realtime texture enhancer library
with hi-resolution texture pack support for Glide64.Glitch64 is the
recommended Glide3x wrapper for Glide64, the Glide video plugin for N64
emulators. It currently supports S3TC texture compression, anisotropic
filtering, widescreen resolutions and simulates almost all the Glide3x
hardware capabilities used by the plugin, included texture buffer capability
(needed for render to texture). It is coded using the OpenGL API and uses
GLSL shaders.

Traditional and non-traditional techniques have been used to achieve speed
and high image quality even on a 9 year old 3Dfx Voodoo2. Although the 3Dfx
Glide3x texture format naming conventions are used, the library can be
expanded for generic use. The library supports 6 enhancers and 6 image
filters. FXT1 and S3TC texture compression are supported.

Glitch64 SVN changelog:
Fixed bug in CheckDRAMSize


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By Christine
at 2010-02-25T13:59 有日本人真有心,還特別去研究 3代大台版(SFC版好多了)為什麼會被不少日本人鞭 原因就出在一堆詐欺的判定上 不只圓形的東西判定是四方形,不然就是雷射的實際判定是眼睛看到的圖形的兩倍長 更不用說是最後一關大螃蟹的神奇判定, ...


Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2010-02-25T13:56
→ chunliz:翼隊長...好像只有在FC出現阿 ...T社應該是忘了這系列吧 02/25 13:19 平台還滿多的只是脫褲魔只搞到一個階段就把開發權拱手讓人 fc キャプテン翼 1988 キャプテン翼II スーパーストライ ...


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2010-02-25T13:00
TECMO的部分: 当社(乙)は、合併により株式会社光栄(甲、神奈川県横浜市港北区箕輪町一丁目18番 12号)に権利義務全部を承継させて解散することにいたしましたので、下記のとおり公 告します。効力発生日は平成22年4月1日であり、両社の株主総会の承認決議は平成22 年3月31日を予定しております。 來源 ...

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