Glitch64 SVN r86 - 模擬器

Una avatar
By Una
at 2010-02-19T23:09

Table of Contents

Glitch64 SVN r86 is released.GlideHQ is a realtime texture enhancer library
with hi-resolution texture pack support for Glide64.Glitch64 is the
recommended Glide3x wrapper for Glide64, the Glide video plugin for N64
emulators. It currently supports S3TC texture compression, anisotropic
filtering, widescreen resolutions and simulates almost all the Glide3x
hardware capabilities used by the plugin, included texture buffer capability
(needed for render to texture). It is coded using the OpenGL API and uses
GLSL shaders.

Traditional and non-traditional techniques have been used to achieve speed
and high image quality even on a 9 year old 3Dfx Voodoo2. Although the 3Dfx
Glide3x texture format naming conventions are used, the library can be
expanded for generic use. The library supports 6 enhancers and 6 image
filters. FXT1 and S3TC texture compression are supported.

Glitch64 SVN changelog:
Removed unused variable.
Removed doubtful fix, caused wrong title screen issue in WCW Nitro.
Fixed 'Clay Fighter - Sculptor's Cut' logo. The game defines RGBA16 texture
as CI16 in the tile descriptor, and thus it was not load.
Fixed debug log.
Gamma correction settings did not restore correctly on Mupen64. Added a
workaround for that.


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By Kama
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No$Zoomer 的滑鼠支援問題

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2010-02-19T20:18
請問一下 這個模擬器可以用滑鼠替代當觸碰筆的功能嗎? 我把Joysticks那邊有調成Disable 跟 Enable作測試 可是滑鼠都還是不能點 請問是要抓程式來改 還是要換模擬器 謝謝 -- \◣◢/◢╭ 喂~快折回去阿長老... ...


Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2010-02-19T18:23
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Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2010-02-19T13:40
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