GG | Hostile在回家的路上被4個人持槍搶劫 - Steam

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2009-03-07T18:46

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Following the end of matches for day one at Extreme Masters, Shaun "Hostile"
Catron was assaulted in Hannover, Germany.

在第一天比賽結束後 Hostile在德國 漢諾威(北方 一繁榮的大城)被攻擊. - The details are still coming out about an incident involving
Gravitas' Gaming's Shaun "Hostile" Catron.

Corbin Crnkovic, President of Gravitas Gaming was contacted by GotFrag for a
statement involving the events.

"On his way home from the Global Finals venue, Shaun Catron was attacked
and robbed on the street outside of a bar. He is currently on route to a
local hospital for stitches, but I don't yet know the exact extent of his

GG的領隊Corbin Crnkovic透過Gotfrag發表聲明:
Hostile在酒吧外的路上被襲擊並搶 目前前往醫院中縫合傷口 但我不清楚他的傷勢

UPDATE: Further details have come out revealing that Catron was returning
from visiting a pub near his assigned home in Hannover. Four men attacked
him, producing a gun and demanding that he hand over all of his money. Before
the attack, Catron neither said or acted in any way to escalate the
situation. Catron has pointed out that the housing ESL had assigned him was
in a very questionable part of town.

更新:Catron是在從酒吧往宿舍的路上被搶 4個人持槍並搶走他所有的錢


Tags: Steam

All Comments

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2009-03-12T03:31
好痛的感覺. . .
Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2009-03-17T02:05
衰小= =


Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2009-03-07T13:26
為什麼區域網路裡都找不到伺服器 網際網路都可以 GGC裡有很多國外玩家 剛剛遇到一個巴西的 還有一個阿陸仔 他們都找不到伺服器 是沒人開還是怎樣? -- 讀書苦 讀書累 不如加入黑澀會 ╭───╮ 上三堂 睡五堂 不如加入棒棒堂 不用考 不用背 還有美女陪你睡 ▕-Θ︿Θ-▏ ...

EM III Global Finals

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2009-03-07T09:18
A組進入決賽: mTw SK MYM mTw唯一的一敗是敗給SK的,而且還是在最自豪的train地圖 觀看這場比賽和剛結束的歐洲杯對ALTERNATE的比賽 似乎歐洲強隊對mTw的火車地圖已經稍有破解之道 ALTERNATE當CT方是起了三把狙擊槍防守,這戰術的風險頗大 首先在經濟上需要存兩次錢,另外兩 ...

EM III Global Finals

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2009-03-07T01:18
1. mTw vs. MYM 2. fnatic vs. Evil Geniuses 3. Crack Clan vs. WeMade FOX ...

EM III Global Finals

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2009-03-06T23:30
我竟然錯過了好多場比賽... 幾個看點 美國的EG.usa被歐洲電 新的WeMadeFox來勢洶洶 mTw依舊強勢 - ...


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2009-03-06T20:59
剛去買了CSS回來玩~and#34;~ 換武器怎麼換就是不對~~按一也不會出現大武器!!! 反而一直反反覆覆的換手留蛋~and#34;~要怎麼搞阿~~~ 快救人阿各位大哥大姊~and#34;~ - ...