Gens Rerecording v10 - 模擬器

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2008-07-25T00:16

Table of Contents

A new version of the Sega Genesis/32X/CD emulator Gens Rerecording has been

New in version 10:
-Debug menu reenabled
-Debug menu items fixed not to cause crashes
-Sega CD GFX debug screen updated to support 32x32 stamps as well as 16x16
-Ram Search and Ram Watch menus no longer close on reset, or game reload
-EPX render mode fixed in 32bit display mode
-All other render modes updated to support 32bit display mode
-Sega CD emulation now supports BIN/CUE as an alternative to ISO+MP3
-Sega CD emulation now sync-robust
-Savestate upgrades for all Gens platforms.
-Slight disassembler output bugfix
-Bug where 32X palette was sometimes not updated in 32-bit mode fixed.
-Bug where 32X PWM volume was too low fixed
-Hotkey configurability: All hotkeys now assignable to any keyboard key or
gamepad button.
-Bug where enabling "instruction logging" or "hook ram" would sometimes cause
gens to crash has been fixed
-GMV playback now clears saved SRAM at start.


All Comments


Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2008-07-24T17:17
我剛剛抓了路行鳥大賽車的遊戲 裡面有附epsxe160這個模擬器 可是我不會使用 爬了一下文也是看不太懂 請問大大有沒有簡單的方式可以玩啊? - ...

myZoom V1.8.27

Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2008-07-24T16:45
January 24th, 2008 Hello, everyone. This is another tool for No$gba. If you have not patience to wait the new NDS2xGL, you can try t ...

Dolphin SVN R70

Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2008-07-24T09:01
2008.07.23 r73 Updated wxwidgets to 2.8.8 - should fix - thx to prismsub7 ...


Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2008-07-24T00:14
2.6版可以玩新超級馬力歐嗎 我放進去出現 一堆日文 然後OFF 就不會動 日文看不懂... - ...


Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2008-07-23T20:10
就是外面玩得大型電玩遊戲 有一款我忘了名字 覺得很好玩 想詢問一下! 它是2D介面 屬於類似越南大戰那類型的持槍射擊也可近身拿刀刺殺敵人 然後它可以跳起來滾翻閃子彈 有四個人可供選擇 兩男兩女 其中一個女的是拿散彈槍 一個男的是拿雷射槍 可以兩個人一起玩! 吃紅色的P可以可以增強攻擊 ...