Gens Movie v9.5c bugfix - 模擬器

By Kama
at 2008-04-16T23:59
at 2008-04-16T23:59
Table of Contents
Changelist v9.5c bugfix:
* Fixed crash when attempting to display in 16-bit mode
* 16-bit mode properly respects XRay setting
* "Never skip frame in auto frameskip" can now be turned off once set
Changelist v9.5c:
* Graphics layers are now labelled properly in the Graphics->Layers toggle
* Option to force sprites always to display in front
* Option to lock the display palette
* AVI dumps from currently active screen frame buffer, previously dumped from
16-bit frame buffer.
* AVI dump no longer one half pixel off, horizontally
* Multi-track recording now behaves in a sane, intuitive way
* Multi-track recording now has a submenu (tools->movie->tracks)
* New hotkeys for multi-track recording: "" for next track
* Raw pixel display mode (Graphics->color adjust->XRay), interprets pixel
flags and palette data as an RGB color code
* Prompt to resume recording at the end of movie playback, if you′ve
recorded at all since opening it, aren′t recording an AVI, and don′t have
"Automatic Close Movie" checked (Thanks Truncated)
* "hook ram" no longer causes gens to crash if toggled on before "instruction
* "hook ram" now respects settings in configuration file
* PWM Volume now behaves properly
* Unbroke 32X savestates
* The 0-9 save select keys are now configurable in behavior (Options->Joypad)
Changelist v9.5c bugfix:
* Fixed crash when attempting to display in 16-bit mode
* 16-bit mode properly respects XRay setting
* "Never skip frame in auto frameskip" can now be turned off once set
Changelist v9.5c:
* Graphics layers are now labelled properly in the Graphics->Layers toggle
* Option to force sprites always to display in front
* Option to lock the display palette
* AVI dumps from currently active screen frame buffer, previously dumped from
16-bit frame buffer.
* AVI dump no longer one half pixel off, horizontally
* Multi-track recording now behaves in a sane, intuitive way
* Multi-track recording now has a submenu (tools->movie->tracks)
* New hotkeys for multi-track recording: "" for next track
* Raw pixel display mode (Graphics->color adjust->XRay), interprets pixel
flags and palette data as an RGB color code
* Prompt to resume recording at the end of movie playback, if you′ve
recorded at all since opening it, aren′t recording an AVI, and don′t have
"Automatic Close Movie" checked (Thanks Truncated)
* "hook ram" no longer causes gens to crash if toggled on before "instruction
* "hook ram" now respects settings in configuration file
* PWM Volume now behaves properly
* Unbroke 32X savestates
* The 0-9 save select keys are now configurable in behavior (Options->Joypad)
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