Gens/GS Milestone 5.3 - 模擬器

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2008-11-17T20:06

Table of Contents

Milestone 5.3

Milestone 5.3 fixes the following bugs:

* PIC compilation was broken due to the new CPU Flags code.
* nasm′s -O3 optimization doesn′t work properly on the Gens code with older
versions of nasm. Gens now uses the -O1 optimization instead.

Milestone 5.3 has the following miscellaneous changes:

* [GTK+] Removed some unnecessary GDK includes.

Milestone 5.2

Milestone 5.2 introduces the following new features:

* Updates to the most-used renderers:
o The C++ 1x, 2x, and 2x scanline renderers are now much faster.
o The asm and mmx 1x and 2x renderers have been updated to support 32-bit
o The scanline and interpolated scanline asm renderers now correctly black
out empty lines, which fixes a "leftover garbage" problem caused by the new
text drawing function.
* [Linux] The OpenGL renderer now supports border color emulation.
* The "Stretch" option now allows you to set Horizontal Stretch and Vertical
Stretch independently.
* New "General Options" window layout. The new layout takes up a lot less
space than the old layout, and allows for more options.
* The "General Options" window now allows you to enable or disable border
color emulation and the pause tint.
* [GTK+] The design of the "Controller Configuration" window has been

Milestone 5.2 has the following miscellaneous changes:

* The "BIOS/Misc Files" entries for "GCOffline" and "Gens Manual" have been
removed. There are no functions in Gens/GS that make use of these, and both
documents haven′t been updated in several years.
* The 16 kHz, 32 kHz, and 48 kHz sound rates have been removed. They never
worked properly and ended up causing lag.
* The built-in debugger now sleeps for 100 ms between frames. Previously, it
would attempt to redraw frames as fast as possible, which led to high CPU
usage if VSync wasn′t turned on.
* [Win32] hq2x is broken, so it has been disabled for now.

Milestone 5.2 fixes the following bugs:

* Fixed compilation with --disable-cdrom.
* Fixed some PWM regressions introduced in m5.1.
* [Win32] Savestates were sometimes not saved to the correct directory.

Milestone 5.2 has the following low-level code changes:

* VDraw_DDraw: CORRECT_256_ASPECT_RATIO and ALT_X_RATIO_RES have been
removed. These were originally used in Gens Rerecording to specify if the
horizontal resolution should always be stretched, but is no longer necessary
due to the improved "Stretch" mode options.
* nasm now generates debugging symbols for all asm code.
* Many functions and variables that don′t need global visibility have been
marked as static.
* New CPU flag system to determine all available instruction sets instead of
just MMX. This will allow for more optimizations later on.
* Fixed an issue where a segment override prefix was specified in Starscream,
which broke Valgrind. (Valgrind is still broken for SegaCD and 32X emulation,


All Comments


Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2008-11-17T14:56
※ 引述《iuy (我)》之銘言: : 之前跟家人玩 : 已經玩到後期了 : 想說要查武器防具的資料 : 結果卻找不到資料 andgt;and#34;andlt; : 於是想上來問看看~ : 多卡波王國真是好玩啊~~~~ : 雖然還是怒之鐵劍比較讚~~ : 不過這遊戲真的是老少咸宜喔!!! : 光是後期看能力 ...

Entirely Stolen Drawings?

Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2008-11-17T10:48 沒想到大台電動也會有盜圖 .. 韓國人真屌..出個Swat Police,結果遊戲背景都是盜其它遊戲 ...


Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2008-11-16T20:31
※ 引述《iuy (我)》之銘言: : 之前跟家人玩 : 已經玩到後期了 : 想說要查武器防具的資料 : 結果卻找不到資料 andgt;and#34;andlt; : 於是想上來問看看~ : 多卡波王國真是好玩啊~~~~ : 雖然還是怒之鐵劍比較讚~~ : 不過這遊戲真的是老少咸宜喔!!! : 光是後期看能力 ...

大家好,我又來問神了 [大型電玩]

Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2008-11-16T20:13
冬天到了 連帶讓我有點感傷懷舊 這般心情反映到日常娛樂上面 便是想重溫小時候的美好時光 偷跑去三商百貨帕典懂.. 阿嬤!哇咩乞同學叨塔粹! 嗯.以上都是自嗨.. 但最近常常玩些老遊戲倒是真的 航空霸業 大航海 提督2 等.. 看來人的行為多少都會受到季節的影響阿 (同理可證春天就會不自覺玩H-.. ...