Gens/GS Milestone 5.1 - 模擬器

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2008-11-03T20:31

Table of Contents

Milestone 5.1

Milestone 5.1 introduces the following new features:

* RAR archives can now be used via an external RAR binary. You must have RAR
installed in order to use this feature. (Windows users can install WinRAR,
which includes the command-line rar.exe.)
* You can now drag a ROM file onto the Gens window to open it.
* [GTK+] Many of the bundled icons have been updated with KDE 4 Oxygen icons.
See for more information.

Milestone 5.1 has the following miscellaneous changes:

* "PSG Improved" has been renamed to "PSG (Sine Wave)", which more accurately
describes its functionality.

Milestone 5.1 fixes the following bugs:

* [Win32] The lag issue seen on some computers should be fixed.
* [Win32] Fixed joystick POV support.
* [32X] PWM audio no longer "clicks" when it isn′t in use.
* [Debugger] The VDP debugger now scrolls all the way to the last VRAM line,
0xFE00-0xFFFF. Previously, it would only scroll to line 0xFC00-0xFDFF. This
bug was reported by djohe in #retro.
* [Regression from m5] Gens no longer creates blank SRAM files for games that
don′t use SRAM. This bug was reported by Delta on the Sonic Retro forums.
* Fixed compilation with --disable-cdrom.

Milestone 5.1 has the following low-level code changes:

* The menu system has been rewritten such that both the Win32 and GTK+
versions now share the same menu data. Not only does this reduce the amount
of duplicated code, it makes it easier to add menu items and it reduces the
amount of code needed to build and synchronize the menus.
* The PWM audio emulator has been rewritten in C. This rewrite was based on
pwm.c from Gens Rerecording.
* The build system has been updated so that it automatically detects MacOS X
and Cygwin, and adjusts compilation settings for those two platforms as
necessary. Thanks to Sonicblur on the Sonic Retro forums for the MacOS X
compatibility fixes.
* The About window has been converted to a C++ class. Eventually, all of the
windows will be converted to C++ classes.
* The configure script will now check what hash table implementations are
available at compile time. Previously, Gens/GS only used the relatively new
TR1 unordered_map, which is only available in gcc-4.x and later. Not only did
this cause problems for gcc-3.x users, it caused problems for gcc-4.0 users,
since unordered_map was broken in gcc-4.0. The configure script will now
check to make sure unordered_map is working, and if it isn′t, it will fall
back to either __gnu_cxx::hash_map or std::map. If it falls back to std::map,
it will print a warning, since std::map is not a hash table and is thus
considerably slower than both unordered_map and hash_map.
* The configure script will now check if the linker supports --as-needed.
Previously, the configure script always added --as-needed to LDFLAGS, which
caused a problem on systems that didn′t support it.


All Comments


Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2008-11-03T17:26
最近在接觸ps模擬器,由於是第一次嘗試所以完全沒有經驗, 儘管如此還是成功地跑了一兩個遊戲。 這些遊戲的檔都是切成8~10個檔案然後只要解壓縮成一個檔再 用模擬器跑就好了。 然後最近發現很多遊戲都是用這種型態放在網路上,像是 這些檔案下載之後是要怎麼處理呢? (白癡問題已獲解答 感謝qq) 另問如 ...


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2008-11-03T14:45
我的畜生幫我拉來一塊電腦戰機 搭配的是Chankast alpha 0.25 原本預想放流的人應該是確定沒問題才搭配放流 可是卻因為自己能力不足 而一直沒辦法完美執行ˊˋ 首先這一塊電腦戰機是用*.cdi的格式 可是Chankast似乎沒有辦法直接讀取cdi? 要先指定光碟機位置 讀取掛載在上面的映像檔 ...

Mame/UI/SDL v128u2

George avatar
By George
at 2008-11-03T11:56
SDLMAME v0.128u2 SDLMAME The latest version is 0.128u2. This adds support for Ubuntu 8.10, so distro early ad ...

MAMEUIFX32 0.128u2

Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2008-11-03T11:27
November 02, 2008 Updated to MAME 0.128u2 - MAMEUI 0.128 - Added a new toolbar to the GUI based on iCandy Jr. theme for FireFox. - F ...


Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2008-11-03T01:49
一款是MAME的是一款甲子園的遊戲 一開始就選各縣代表隊 打三場就是冠軍 人物很暴笑 投手和打者都可以集氣 製作公司是 TAITO 因為重灌找不到遊戲名稱 另一款是 FC的遊戲 那時候名叫刺激棒球 投手一直練可以投火球 五分球(投出變五個) 以上兩款 多謝各位大大提供線索 ...