Generic GUI 1.0 - 模擬器

Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2011-04-08T12:22

Table of Contents

Generic GUI 1.0

The generic gui is a graphical user interfaced specifically designed for
command line emulators.
Via manipulation of the ini files in the "gui" folder, this application can
show different types of settings depending upon the setup.
Generic GUI is pre-configured for Supermodel. 1.11a.

Install: (Supermodel)
Take this zip file and extract it to the super model directory so that the
gui.exe and the supermodel.exe are in the same folder.
By default, GUI will search for roms in the "roms" folder. If your roms are
stored elsewhere, you can change the path in the /config/select roms folder
menu item.
Be sure to configure your controller, but other than that you are ready to go!

NOTE: If you need to use the no splotlight shader option, you need to
download the no spotlight shader from the supermodel website and put it in
the same directory
as supermodel.

This program is open-source and free to use for non-commercial purposes.
If you do modify this program, you must release the source code along with
the compiled exe.

Letting me know that you've modified it would also be nice. :-)


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