gem store 後端改版之後... - 線上

By Elvira
at 2014-04-16T01:16
at 2014-04-16T01:16
Table of Contents
以下政治文,不喜歡的人就跳過吧 :)
因為聽說有 feature pack 所以又回鍋了,
想說先刷點 gem 備著,結果發現黑心獅後端改版了,
現在要強制選 "Billing Country",
而台灣的選項竟然是 "Taiwan, Province of China"...WTF?!
身為一個台灣鯛民當然是馬上放棄刷卡,跑去官網客訴去了 XD
1. 選擇回報為 Technical Issue
2. Subject:
Gem Store Billing Country: Taiwan is NOT a province of China
3. Description of Issue:
You have Taiwan listed as "Taiwan, Province of China" in the gem store.
This is both incorrect and insulting.
Taiwan (Republic of China) and China (People's Republic of China)
are different countries. We have different governments,
we fly different flags, our people carry different passports,
we use different currencies, we don't even write the same language.
The PRC has no authorization over Taiwan whatsoever.
Until you correct this and list us as simply "Taiwan",
I refuse to purchase any more gems from you
and will ask my fellow Taiwan gamers to do the same.
4. Issue: Trading Post/Gem Store
5. 其他系統要求的欄位填一填, submit 送出
可惡我想買 mini 啊 >_<~~
因為聽說有 feature pack 所以又回鍋了,
想說先刷點 gem 備著,結果發現黑心獅後端改版了,
現在要強制選 "Billing Country",
而台灣的選項竟然是 "Taiwan, Province of China"...WTF?!
身為一個台灣鯛民當然是馬上放棄刷卡,跑去官網客訴去了 XD
1. 選擇回報為 Technical Issue
2. Subject:
Gem Store Billing Country: Taiwan is NOT a province of China
3. Description of Issue:
You have Taiwan listed as "Taiwan, Province of China" in the gem store.
This is both incorrect and insulting.
Taiwan (Republic of China) and China (People's Republic of China)
are different countries. We have different governments,
we fly different flags, our people carry different passports,
we use different currencies, we don't even write the same language.
The PRC has no authorization over Taiwan whatsoever.
Until you correct this and list us as simply "Taiwan",
I refuse to purchase any more gems from you
and will ask my fellow Taiwan gamers to do the same.
4. Issue: Trading Post/Gem Store
5. 其他系統要求的欄位填一填, submit 送出
可惡我想買 mini 啊 >_<~~
All Comments

By Rebecca
at 2014-04-18T19:36
at 2014-04-18T19:36

By Jessica
at 2014-04-21T20:12
at 2014-04-21T20:12

By Xanthe
at 2014-04-24T19:23
at 2014-04-24T19:23

By Kelly
at 2014-04-27T10:06
at 2014-04-27T10:06
issue" 要回報的話分類要改一下

By Jessica
at 2014-04-29T18:11
at 2014-04-29T18:11

By Zenobia
at 2014-05-02T01:33
at 2014-05-02T01:33

By Linda
at 2014-05-06T01:39
at 2014-05-06T01:39

By Susan
at 2014-05-09T11:41
at 2014-05-09T11:41
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