GeckoOS 1.802 Update! (09/04/16更新) - 改機

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2009-04-15T23:29

Table of Contents

新鮮的 Gecko OS出來了


What's New:
* GC memory card crash fixed thanks to Nuke
* A core dump that occurs on some Wiis when launching certain games should no
longer occur
* Fixed codeliststart for gameconfig.txt
* A minor Ocarina fix to ensure ASM insert codes will work properly
* Exit no longer causes a core dump if Gecko was launched by a loader that
lacks return to loader functionality (such as preloader); instead exit
returns to the Homebrew Channel, or resets the Wii if the Homebrew Channel is
not installed

Gecko 1.8
Hot off the presses! Get your copy here! brkirch has just released Gecko 1.8
the successor to the Gecko OS. This unofficial build has been approved by the
people responsible for the USB Gecko Nintendo Wii hacking/cheat code device.
It has a lot of new features and a new GUI.

The Gecko homebrew application can be used without the USB Gecko hardware,
but you're limited to only using it's various non-integrated features.
However, the features available are worth using including cheat code support,
region free gaming and much more! Remember where you saw it first!

What's New?

* Multidol games work through Gecko's game loader, rebooter is no longer
required for them
* To ensure games are fully functional the game loader now uses the IOS
requested by the game (as a result there is no 002 error, that error is due
to game loaders booting a game with the wrong IOS)
* If a game requests an IOS that you don't have, the game's update partition
will be searched for the IOS and the option to install the IOS will be given
if it is found (if you have a modchip, turn off update blocking!)
* It is now possible to select not to load the debugger, which increases the
number of code lines allowed by Ocarina
* New hooks have been added so that most (if not all) Wii games can be hooked
* Rebooter will use the hook selected on the config menu to hook games
* Rebooter is now compatible with preloader
* The menu interface has been improved, and you can load a custom background
by creating a 640x480 PNG-24 file, naming it background.png, and putting it
at the root of your SD card
* The menu configuration can be saved, and the saved configuration will be
loaded automatically when Gecko starts
* A configuration file can be created for game specific settings like hook
* New code types are supported by the code handler
* GPF (gecko patch file) support

Tags: 改機

All Comments

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2009-04-16T06:28
最新奇的應該是針對不同遊戲,可以有不同的hook file去hook
Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2009-04-18T03:10
Una avatar
By Una
at 2009-04-19T09:46
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2009-04-22T13:26
Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2009-04-26T14:15
Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2009-04-29T20:19
Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2009-05-02T00:40
source code,因為作者反盜版,不想讓人家拿去改
Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2009-05-04T06:37


Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2009-04-15T22:42
這幾天很歡樂這大家都知道 可是我在看PSPER那邊的文章很多都在說 千萬別沒事提升版本之類的 難道提升版本之後沒有辦法再降版本嗎?? 在技術上應該是可行的呀atat? - ...


Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2009-04-15T21:16
看了樓上大大的教學帖後 把相關檔案都找齊了 但是想問說usbloaderUM版本支援金手指 意思是說程式自帶金手指 還是我必須先安裝ocarina之類的金手指軟體 usbloader才能用金手指功能? - ...


Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2009-04-15T20:22
呼, 每次發文都有點壓力 囧and#34;, 我久居深山, 剛剛才知道原來NDSi有出備份卡了, 稍微爬了一下文, 還是有一些不太了解的地方想請問大家, 1. 我看到有 Ak2i / DSTTi / CycloDS(這有NDSi版嗎?) / 還有其他的嗎? 2. 備份卡都還需要一張記憶卡,這部分 ...


Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2009-04-15T18:48
昨天買了主機 有請店家幫我軟改 然後上A9看了一系列教程 想要自己安裝WAD 我下載了wad-manager-v1.3.dol 想請問要自己在SD卡創建資料夾再把檔案放進去嗎? 資料夾必須取什麼名字? 之後是不是進HBC 就可以用wad-manager來安裝頻道了? - ...

寄生前夜2 (異魔2) 關於5.00m33-6運行問題

Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2009-04-15T15:24
有人試過這款遊戲嗎? 改成m33或者sony9660 都會在一開始的畫面停住 我看過有人po過 類似在psp上玩的心得 似乎在版本是3.71m33-4的時候... 應該不是要降版才能玩吧atat - ...