(GBA/NDS) No$gba v2.9b - 模擬器

By Margaret
at 2018-10-01T21:59
at 2018-10-01T21:59
Table of Contents
NO$GBA pronounced as No Cash GBA is a Nintendo DS / DS Lite and GameBoy
Advance emulator for Windows XP, Vindows VISTA and MS-DOS. NO$GBA options
include emulating all known save types as well as and multiple cartridges
reading. NoGBA supports multiplayer and is able to load multiple NDS ROM
files for linking games. Multiplayer for GBA Games is also supported.
- web: created no$project patreon page, https://www.patreon.com/martin_korth-
dsi/emu: allows 8bit vram writes on dsi (if enabled in SCFG_EXT9.bit13)
- dsi/help: added note on dsi debug blowfish key used when SCFG_OP nonzero
- carthdr/help: added carthdr[0B0h] "DoNotZeroFillMem"=unlaunch fastboot ID
- dma/help: added note on dma-fill via 40000Exh being slower than stmia/ndma
- dsi/help: added note on broken cameras being more common than unknown cameras
- dsi/tsc/iomap: shows tsc page 0,1,3 registers (page 3 is hidden in aes tab)
- dsi/tsc/emu: basic emulation for reading/writing tsc page 0,1,3 registers
- dsi/startdirect: initializes GPIO registers (sound,powerbutt,wifimode)
- a22i: throws error message on forward references within .pack blocks
- nds/cart: supports flashcarts with arm9 code below offset 4000h (ievolution)
- nds/bugfix: resurrected BG0CNT/BG1CNT.bit13 (unlike GBA) (thanks chocoreep)
- dsi/help: info about ST NAND02G AH0LZC5 emmc chips (thanks barawer+trade girl
- dsi/emmc: emulates different eMMC CSD's (matched to four known eMMC CID's)
NO$GBA pronounced as No Cash GBA is a Nintendo DS / DS Lite and GameBoy
Advance emulator for Windows XP, Vindows VISTA and MS-DOS. NO$GBA options
include emulating all known save types as well as and multiple cartridges
reading. NoGBA supports multiplayer and is able to load multiple NDS ROM
files for linking games. Multiplayer for GBA Games is also supported.
- web: created no$project patreon page, https://www.patreon.com/martin_korth-
dsi/emu: allows 8bit vram writes on dsi (if enabled in SCFG_EXT9.bit13)
- dsi/help: added note on dsi debug blowfish key used when SCFG_OP nonzero
- carthdr/help: added carthdr[0B0h] "DoNotZeroFillMem"=unlaunch fastboot ID
- dma/help: added note on dma-fill via 40000Exh being slower than stmia/ndma
- dsi/help: added note on broken cameras being more common than unknown cameras
- dsi/tsc/iomap: shows tsc page 0,1,3 registers (page 3 is hidden in aes tab)
- dsi/tsc/emu: basic emulation for reading/writing tsc page 0,1,3 registers
- dsi/startdirect: initializes GPIO registers (sound,powerbutt,wifimode)
- a22i: throws error message on forward references within .pack blocks
- nds/cart: supports flashcarts with arm9 code below offset 4000h (ievolution)
- nds/bugfix: resurrected BG0CNT/BG1CNT.bit13 (unlike GBA) (thanks chocoreep)
- dsi/help: info about ST NAND02G AH0LZC5 emmc chips (thanks barawer+trade girl
- dsi/emmc: emulates different eMMC CSD's (matched to four known eMMC CID's)
All Comments

By Andy
at 2018-10-03T15:13
at 2018-10-03T15:13
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