(GBA for NGC/Wii) Visual Boy Advance GX 1.0.8 - 模擬器

Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2009-04-08T12:59

Table of Contents


-“Match Wii Game” controls option! Games that have a Wii
equivalent can be played using the controls for that Wii
game. For example all Zelda games can be played with
Twilight Princess controls. See the Instructions section
below for important details.

- Rotation/Tilt sensor games all work
- Solar sensors (Boktai 1/2/3)
- Rumble (except for games that rely on Gameboy Player)
- Keyboard
- PAL support, finally!
- New scaling options, choose how much stretching you want
- Colourised games now partially work but still have distortion
-“Corvette” no longer has a screwed up palette (but still crashes)
- Triggers net reconnection on SMB failure
- Source code refactored, and project file added
- Instructions section added to this readme file




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All Comments

(Multi Arcade) Raine v0.51.5

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2009-04-08T12:49
2009.04.07 - Fix the bad display of initial screen when using a low resolution in ms windows - console: After 100 traces (step, next, etc…), ...

R.SaGa2-與自然共生的人們 (ナゼール)

Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2009-04-08T12:45
「可以看到這邊的你也是個強者,很好,我這就來吸收你吧」 ………七英雄力量最強的ダンターグ登場。 ═════════════════════════════════════ 【人物關係】 宿命的對決┌────────────→ 皇帝 七英雄ダンターグ ←── ...

ps 2002 實況野球

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2009-04-07T17:31
我在這網站下載這兩年的球員更新檔 http://www.npbl2006.com/PS/PS_GAME.htm 但是要怎樣執行呢? 剛剛試了半天不太懂 還是說要先執行ISO,再讀檔呢? 檔案是.MCR檔 先感謝高手的回答 - ...


William avatar
By William
at 2009-04-07T17:17
很小的時候玩的一款運動會遊戲 比賽內容舉重 游泳(自由式 仰式 蛙式等) 賽跑 跳馬 馬拉松等 各項目結束會計算各國家的獎牌數 請問這款遊戲的名稱 我只記得當時玩的卡帶是粉紅色 拜託各位大大 - ...

(N64 emulators plugin) Glide64 Napalm P.R 1.2.1

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2009-04-07T14:43
2009.04.06 - I forgot to add one more fix for Beetle Adventure Racing to previous release. _________________________________________________ ...