(GB/GBC for mobile phones) MeBoyBuilder v 2.2 - 模擬器

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2009-02-03T11:57

Table of Contents


- Improved speed of writes to graphics memory
- Improved screen redraw syncing, especially for
Advanced Graphics mode
- Improved speed of doubled sprites (8×16 pixel)
by drawing one large image instead of two small
- Improved speed of decoding images in Advanced
Graphics mode
- Tweaked the sprite drawing loop to be slightly
faster and better reflect the order sprites
should be drawn, especially in Gameboy Color games
- Simple Graphics mode now crops images that have
transparent borders
- Simple Graphics detects solid images, and creates
Images without alpha channel
- Tweaked decoding of images when scaling the screen to 75%
- Fixed flicker when the LCD screen was turned off
- Fixed bug when decoding Gameboy Color palettes (Pokemon
trading card game starts now)
- Fixed HDMA bug when interrupts are disabled (Donkey
Kong Country starts now)
- Fixed speed-switch bug where read-only bits could be
written to (Conker’s Pocket Tales starts now)
- Tweaked handling of cart-RAM (hopefully improving
compatibility, but it’s hard to tell)
- Emulation is now paused when setting keys


1. Make sure you have Java installed on your computer,
version 1.5 or later.
2. Download MeBoyBuilder.jar.
3. Run MeBoyBuilder.jar by double-clicking.
4. Press the "Add game" and select a ROM file. Repeat
for all games you want to add (beware that some
phones do not accept very large ".jar" files though).
5. Press the "Create MeBoy.jar" button. Select where to
create MeBoy.jar.
6. Copy MeBoy.jar to your phone. If the phone accepted
the file, you're done! Otherwise, read on:
7. Some phones want a ".jad" file, which is a text file
with info about the ".jar" file. MeBoy.jad is created
for this reason. (If your phone accepted MeBoy.jar,
you do not need MeBoy.jad and can safely throw it away.)


莫 再 提 莫 再 吵 莫 再 問 莫 再 捧 莫 再 信 莫 再 爭
莫 再 講 莫 再 聞 莫 再 理 莫 再 叫 莫 再 貶 莫 再 寫
莫 再 說 莫 再 想 莫 再 打 莫 再 用
莫 再 扯 莫 再 婊 莫 再 罵 莫 再 扛
莫 再 聊 莫 再 管 莫 再 傳 莫 再 投


All Comments

(PSP) Jpcsp v0.1 revision 912

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2009-02-03T11:35
2009.02.02 - r912 fixed system time (nanos -andgt; micros) - r911 more patches thanks to raziel1000 - r910 Fix divide by zero (Issue 66) ...


Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2009-02-03T09:44
最後一戰打完司馬懿以後 進入城中 攻略說跟王座上的劉備談話完就破關了 可是我玩的...王座上沒有人可以對話 atat 回去魯城 劉備還坐在那... 請問這是bug嗎? 還是要另外做什麼才可以破關? 謝謝 - ...

SNES 「三國志Ⅲ(Sangokushi 3)」

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2009-02-03T02:31
幹賭輸了 寫心得掙點錢好了 這個遊戲的步兵太好用 弓兵只要箭用完就等於是不會反擊的步兵 騎兵突擊的威力跟步兵差不多又不能翻牆還得浪費軍馬 所以最爛的兵種可以說是騎兵了 倒是弓兵限制我覺得合理 箭本來就會有射完的時候 哪有可能一直源源不絕的射下去? 不過戰場上沒有補充箭的地方就很奇怪了 導致箭的限制變成是一種 ...

Ootake 2.02

Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2009-02-02T22:47
http://www.ouma.jp/ootake/ ◇Windows Vistaで、V-Sync(垂直同期。画面をちらつかせないための処理)がうまく効 かないことがあった不具合を修正しました。また、and#34;Setting-andgt;Screenand#34;メニューに and#34;Vista U ...


Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2009-02-02T21:45
記得是小時候過年時買的一塊卡帶 八合一的 我想神的遊戲他是ACT的玩法 主角是一個機器人(感覺很像是機器戰警,但我確定不是) 然後背景故事有點像是設定在未來 橫向移動,攻擊方式有直拳和勾拳 人物小小一隻的 遊戲進行中會有東西可撿,集滿三個會召喚貼身小機器人(飛行跟在主角後面) 然後掉下來的東西 ...