GameBoy Online (2011/09/12) - 模擬器

Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2011-09-12T23:16

Table of Contents

GameBoy Online is a Game Boy and GameBoy Color emulator written in
Javascript. It strives to be efficient and try to have a perfect
compatibility. Currently the execution speed is not optimal even on browsers.
For example on Chrome, which is nevertheless deemed to run Javascript faster
on a PC running Windows 7 64-bit version with a double heart 2 CPUs at 2.2
GHz, games run at normal speed but almost skipping some frames.

The sound production is still experimental and rather poor quality. The video
portion is by HTML5 or by creating images with BMP string URI. State backups
are implemented using the object window.localStorage and are serialized /
deserialized JSON. Ditto for backup SRAM.

GameBoy Online Changelog:
- Optimizing edge tiles rendering.
- Optimizing window rendering.
- Fixed up a window rendering edge case.
- pAPU emulation update.
- Found and fixed a crasher that could lock up some browsers. Involved the
channel 1 frequency sweep going past a certain condition that for some reason
I failed to guard against correctly.


All Comments


Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2011-09-12T21:37
請問epsxe的設定問題 我抓了1.6版本 可以順利的模擬 但畫面跑的非常的快 請問要在那邊把速度調慢 我試了很久都還試不出來 謝謝 - ...


Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2011-09-12T19:30
任天堂時代,科拿米的卡帶的特色就是 貼紙覆蓋整個卡帶上方 以及特規的方形卡帶和左邊會有一個小洞 但是即使如此 他也有幾片卡代不是自己家規格 是採用任天堂的一般造型 像 激龜忍者傳 魂斗羅2代 超級魂斗羅 有人知道原因嗎? 是因為這幾片只是掛他的名 不是他們自己作的嗎? - ...


Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2011-09-12T17:06
如題 不過與其說攻略 我想要的是遊戲裡的地圖 看網路上一些攻略好像漏拿最強鎧甲...... 也不知道現在的時間點還可以拿嗎 還有現在破到一個要アルミナ的材料來做船 劇情是需要7個 但我只有6個 又忘記是哪裡有少拿 偏偏網路上的又沒有地圖 - ...


Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2011-09-12T12:37
之前都是用snes 9x V1.31 版本玩 也有存一些紀錄~ 可是因為有些遊戲不能跑 後來又改用snes 9x V1.52 版本玩 想說把之前的V1.31版本汰換掉 可是之前紀錄V1.52版好像讀不了QQ 有啥方法可以讀到嗎? 謝謝大家! - ...

(MAME for Android) MAME4droid v1.0.2

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2011-09-12T11:46
2011.09.12 MAME4droid v1.0.1 is released. MAME4droid is a port of iMAME4all for Android 2.1 and upper phone versions. Native Support for Android ...