(GameBoy) CrystalBoy v1.4 - 模擬器

Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2011-07-05T11:42

Table of Contents



- Emulated Hardware:
*Game Boy B & W
*Game Boy Color
- Windows Forms UI
*Graphical debugger
*Map Viewer
*Real framerate limiter (Still not accurate enough, as it seems to
limit at 62/63 FPS and not 60… But way better than before)
- Rendering methods
*GDI+ (Slow)
*Direct3D (Using Managed DirectX, only works in 32 bits)
*Direct3D 9 (Using SlimDX, should work everywhere provided you
install the SlimDX runtime)

CrystalBoy v1.4 Changelog:

* Now supports loading the DMG, SGB and GBC bootstrap ROMs
* Better GBC hardware emulation (now supports switching to fake B&W mode)
- Using GBC bootstrap ROM allows to play B&W games with automatic
color palette
- The GBC automatic palettes are also emulated without the bootstrap ROM
- The OAM and VRAM are initialized more accurately
* MBC2 support (maybe not totally accurate, but certainly good enough)
* Instant FPS calculation… Should be instantaneously more accurate,
but much more variable than the method used previously.
* Multithreaded emulation. (Should only improve uncapped FPS for now)
- I did not test extensively with all the rendering plugins, but things
should be ok as the UI thread and and rendering thread never execute
at the same time.
- Please send a bug report if you encunter a bug related to multithreade
* LCD and Timer timings emulation redone 95%…
- Compatibility increased
- Wario Land II startup screen now shows correctly
- Link's Awakening's bug seems to be gone
- Brain Bender's startup screen now render correctly, like it did a
[very] very long time ago.
* Fixed the sprite priority emulation again… Pokémon Crystal intro
should play fine.
* Fixed small - but sometimes nasty - bugs
- Now able to run Mental Respirator by Phantasy (The Gin & Tonic trick
is not emulated yet)
- Most demos are able to start or even run correctly. (Demotronic still
doesn't, but it helped correct one of the nasty bugs ;)






All Comments

(Remakes_VMs) ScummVM 1.3.1

Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2011-07-05T11:37
2011.07.04 General: - Improved audio device detection and fallback. There should be no more silent errors due to invalid audio devices. ...


Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2011-07-05T10:37
煩請各位推薦玩模擬器時用的搖桿.. 原先用的搖桿的存量剩下最後一隻.... 無奈已經停產了.... 先開條件: 1.外型基本上=PS2型搖桿 兩個香菇頭R1R2L1L2必備。 2.最重要的功能就是 左香菇頭和左十字鍵能夠做一樣的輸入判定。 也就是說 推左香菇頭向右 等於 按十字鍵右 ...

SFC Hack roms

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2011-07-04T23:47
Descentralizado 1993 (hack) dragon ball z - super saiya densetsu (J) [T+Eng_SirYoink] in memoriam by Spud Alpha (SMW1 hack) Luigis Story (SMW1 hack) Mario ...


Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2011-07-04T23:31
不好意思 很久沒求檔了 上班了玩遊戲的時間總是比較少 更懶得玩要動腦很久的遊戲 前幾天隨意在網路上逛 發現了太空戰士3繁中版 但下載之後不能存檔 我找了好多地方都找不到 最後才來這問一下 每個小學生語言天份總是特別強 我小時後也是拉 都看不懂日文 但還是玩得很快樂 記得十幾年前的深夜(大概也是十 ...

Progetto-SNAPS 0.143

Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2011-07-04T23:13
http://www.progettosnaps.net/snaps.html Progetto-SNAPS 0.143 is released. This is a screenshots pack for Mame. Progetto-SNAPS 0.143 Changelog: All pack ...