Future development - Rocking Soccer 足球經理

Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2016-04-07T16:53

Table of Contents


Hi all, since a lot of people may be wondering what to expect from future
developments I'll make a post here to share some of the things we are working
on. These are not the only things we are working on, but the ones we can
already share information about.

Some changes we're considering that would impact the game include:
- transfer reselling:
- Bot team line-up improvements and bot U21 teams:
- lower attendance in europa league matches to reduce the advantage for big
teams of playing in the europa league instead of the champions league.
- The world cup qualification format:
- Add more and/or improve search options in the scout office

At some point we will also want to make improvements to the match engine and
to the match player, but this does not have a high priority yet.

Some minor changes to the looks of the user interface can also be made,
similar to the new line-up page and the scout office search profiles.

We are also working on ideas to improve the sense of community in the
countries. Improving the forums and making the country and NT forums more
visible and maybe add a sort of blog function for teams and/or change
something in the way advanced teams can change owners. This is far from
worked out though.

Tags: 線上

All Comments


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2016-04-07T16:44
http://i.imgur.com/mz8L2OX.png http://i.imgur.com/KQYVhSY.png 在登場前一天被我精準猜到的克叔也終於R1了, 時間不知不覺過得真快....... 晚點想再來寫一篇有關超人組織的劇透文, 希望我老婆\尤莉卡大人/也能接著這波大善的浪潮早日R2 ...


Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2016-04-07T16:23
各位車長們, 2016年第一場 WGG 社群聚會, 即將在 4 月底登場! 參加 WGG 社群聚會不但有得吃、 有得拿、還提供了車長們與線上盟友當面碰面; 現場交流的機會! 如同過往的 WGG 社群聚會活動, 活動以線上預約報名制進行 - 名額有限, 馬上行動 ! 記得確認聚會的地點與時間, 並且完成線 ...


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2016-04-07T13:44
分成四頁,有的是GIF顯示,有的是影片方式重複顯示(影片方式可以全螢幕瀏覽) #1 連結: http://ritastatusreport.live/2016/03/27/9-159-16-model-comparison-by-gifs/ Chi-Nu Kai (日本5階金幣中坦) 百夫長Mk.1 ...


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2016-04-07T13:23
以下是傭兵角度 純屬個人評論 上色是目標守位 守位 隊伍 球員 機率 短評 C : Lamigo 11林泓育 15林智勝 14米吉亞 1/3 另外兩張也不錯 好用紫C(IROD 鄭達鴻 雷藤)的隊伍紫卡太多 ...


Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2016-04-07T13:05
如題,剛上 A new beta patch is now live. Read below to learn about the latest changes. To share your feedback, please post in the Beta Feedback forum. For a l ...