(Frontend) Cemu GUI v1.0.0 - 模擬器

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2017-04-10T16:05

Table of Contents


Cemu is a Nintendo Wii U emulator that runs commercial games. Highly
experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on PC.

Cemu v1.7.4 Changelog:

* Graphic improvements
* Minor optimizations
* Shader cache compilation is now multi-threaded
* Graphic packs can modify texture formats
* Bugfixes & minor new features



Cemu GUI is a Cemu frontend. Cemu is a Nintendo Wii U emulator that runs
commercial games. Highly experimental software to emulate Wii U applications
on PC.

1) Open Add Game.exe
2) choose cemu.exe
3) Choose game path
4) Choose your option like Fullscreen or Intel HT
5) Click on Make Batch button







All Comments

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Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2017-04-10T16:01
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By Xanthe
at 2017-04-10T15:58
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Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2017-04-10T08:40
各位先進好, 在下想買藍牙搖桿來玩模擬器, (主要是 FC andamp; SFC andamp; MAME) 由於是新手,想先向大家請益: 1. 請問,如果直接買 PS4 的手把, 可以直接在電腦上的模擬器使用嗎? 2. 有去市面上逛了一下,這款 sun-yes 玄皇手感 OK 嗎? 也適用 ...


Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2017-04-09T15:11
要趕緊來處理掉這個我開始寫攻略以來,首次拖超久的攻略文了XD 其實大神本身難度不高(扣除筆技判定問題),不過要探索的細節非常多 而且常常一個地方要常常跑回來好幾次,其實有點煩XDD ═══════════════════════════════════════ 【神木村(一)】 ˙簡易流程 ...

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Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2017-04-08T16:51
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