fnatic舉辦線上聯賽FCL - Steam

By Hedwig
at 2012-04-26T23:18
at 2012-04-26T23:18
Table of Contents
A new online league has seen the light of day as fnatic has announced a
$4,000 league with twelve invited teams, starting on May 1.
此線上聯賽從5/1開始 總決賽為6/3
In cooperation with Eizo, RaidCall, XSplit, MSI and SteelSeries, fnatic has
announced their first online league. Although the fnatic PLAY crew has hosted
a great series of online tournaments and qualifiers, this will be the first
time running a full league, which has been named fnaticRC PLAY CS 1.6 league,
short known as FCL.
fnatic這次名為fnaticRC PLAY CS 1.6 league的線上聯賽與
Eizo, RaidCall, XSplit, MSI and SteelSeries合作
The participating teams are:
fnatic Xizt, Gux, MODDII, karrigan, Friis
SK Gaming face, f0rest, RobbaN, Delpan, GeT_RiGhT
Lemondogs threat, kHRYSTAL, FYRR73, zneel, niko
Natus Vincere starix, ceh9, Zeus, markeloff, Edward
ESC Gaming kuben, TaZ, Loord, pasha, Neo
Moscow Five Dosia, ed1k, Fox, hacker, ROMJkE
WinFakt BASiC, allu, H^N, aslak, dRiim
Anexis BERRY, Nuggi, zE-, lomax, zanoj
Wikipediots ArcadioN, coloN, turkizh, Xyp9x, trace
Alternate Kapio, approx, Troubley, Tixo, Roman R.
myRevenge.de mat, maKz, jaenson, debsN68, avenue
E2G drizzer, mshz, Ozstrik3r, atLaNtis, pressy
畢竟是線上比賽 參賽隊伍全為歐洲隊伍
The teams will be divided into two groups of six teams, playing the other
teams in the group once in a best-of-one map format. First placed team in
each group will advance to the semi-finals, while second placed team will
face the third placed team from the opposite group in a relegation stage.
12支隊伍分成兩組 小組賽間為bo1 小組第一名直接晉級半決賽
A2 vs. B3, B2 vs. A3
A prize purse of $4,000 has been put up for grabs for the league and top
three placed teams will share the purse. The winning team will also receive
five XSplit premium licenses for streaming. The prizes will be distributed as
1. $2,500
2. $1,000
3. $500
獎金雖少 但畢竟是線上聯賽 參賽成本低
除此之外 還可獲得五個XSplit付費帳號
A match day is scheduled to consist of three matches and the majority of them
will be streamed. The English broadcast will be provided by fnaticTV, while
cyberarena.tv will be handling the Russian cast.
比賽日一天三場 多數為實況轉播 英語轉播為fnaticTV 俄語為cyberarena.tv
The task to determine seeds and groups has been granted to us here at
HLTV.org, we will announce the groups tomorrow.
We will also be featuring our Dreamteam game for this league, stay tuned for
this announcement in the coming days.
而這個聯賽也會有dreamteam game可以玩
(類似夢幻籃球隊 每個人起始資金為全聯盟的平均薪資 然後選擇五個選手 並分配角色
如friis我就選來擔任awper, moddii當sprayer步槍手, Kill/death高的當camper
小槍優秀的當pistoler 也可以選強隊中最差的當tac leader賺隊伍贏的回合數
詳細規則看hltv.org->overview->dream team的規則)
身為CS1.6的fans 有比賽可看就是值得高興的事
$2500歐元不無小補 在dreamhack summer前聊勝於無
孔明受六尺之孤 攝一國之政 事凡庸之君
專權而不失禮 行君事而國人不疑
A new online league has seen the light of day as fnatic has announced a
$4,000 league with twelve invited teams, starting on May 1.
此線上聯賽從5/1開始 總決賽為6/3
In cooperation with Eizo, RaidCall, XSplit, MSI and SteelSeries, fnatic has
announced their first online league. Although the fnatic PLAY crew has hosted
a great series of online tournaments and qualifiers, this will be the first
time running a full league, which has been named fnaticRC PLAY CS 1.6 league,
short known as FCL.
fnatic這次名為fnaticRC PLAY CS 1.6 league的線上聯賽與
Eizo, RaidCall, XSplit, MSI and SteelSeries合作
The participating teams are:
fnatic Xizt, Gux, MODDII, karrigan, Friis
SK Gaming face, f0rest, RobbaN, Delpan, GeT_RiGhT
Lemondogs threat, kHRYSTAL, FYRR73, zneel, niko
Natus Vincere starix, ceh9, Zeus, markeloff, Edward
ESC Gaming kuben, TaZ, Loord, pasha, Neo
Moscow Five Dosia, ed1k, Fox, hacker, ROMJkE
WinFakt BASiC, allu, H^N, aslak, dRiim
Anexis BERRY, Nuggi, zE-, lomax, zanoj
Wikipediots ArcadioN, coloN, turkizh, Xyp9x, trace
Alternate Kapio, approx, Troubley, Tixo, Roman R.
myRevenge.de mat, maKz, jaenson, debsN68, avenue
E2G drizzer, mshz, Ozstrik3r, atLaNtis, pressy
畢竟是線上比賽 參賽隊伍全為歐洲隊伍
The teams will be divided into two groups of six teams, playing the other
teams in the group once in a best-of-one map format. First placed team in
each group will advance to the semi-finals, while second placed team will
face the third placed team from the opposite group in a relegation stage.
12支隊伍分成兩組 小組賽間為bo1 小組第一名直接晉級半決賽
A2 vs. B3, B2 vs. A3
A prize purse of $4,000 has been put up for grabs for the league and top
three placed teams will share the purse. The winning team will also receive
five XSplit premium licenses for streaming. The prizes will be distributed as
1. $2,500
2. $1,000
3. $500
獎金雖少 但畢竟是線上聯賽 參賽成本低
除此之外 還可獲得五個XSplit付費帳號
A match day is scheduled to consist of three matches and the majority of them
will be streamed. The English broadcast will be provided by fnaticTV, while
cyberarena.tv will be handling the Russian cast.
比賽日一天三場 多數為實況轉播 英語轉播為fnaticTV 俄語為cyberarena.tv
The task to determine seeds and groups has been granted to us here at
HLTV.org, we will announce the groups tomorrow.
We will also be featuring our Dreamteam game for this league, stay tuned for
this announcement in the coming days.
而這個聯賽也會有dreamteam game可以玩
(類似夢幻籃球隊 每個人起始資金為全聯盟的平均薪資 然後選擇五個選手 並分配角色
如friis我就選來擔任awper, moddii當sprayer步槍手, Kill/death高的當camper
小槍優秀的當pistoler 也可以選強隊中最差的當tac leader賺隊伍贏的回合數
詳細規則看hltv.org->overview->dream team的規則)
身為CS1.6的fans 有比賽可看就是值得高興的事
$2500歐元不無小補 在dreamhack summer前聊勝於無
孔明受六尺之孤 攝一國之政 事凡庸之君
專權而不失禮 行君事而國人不疑
All Comments

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