FinalBurn Alpha Rerecording v0.0.2 - 模擬器

Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2008-09-23T19:23

Table of Contents

changes from v0.0.1

*Added shortcut keys to some of the menus and dialogs. Also added new
ctrl+o opens load rom dialog
alt+p opens playback movie dialog
alt+r opens record movie dialog
alt+i opens input mapper

*fixed various crashes in movie functions (hopefully)
*record/replay dialogs are accessible without a rom loaded, and will load a
rom as needed
*input mapper recalls mapped inputs
*SRAM is no longer loaded on playback (and thus no longer causes desyncs)
*read-only is enabled by default
*frameskip is disabled by default
*movie replay dialog selects "browse" when there are no movies; not a null
*emulation speed is properly reset on rom load
*temp fix to prevent crashes when changing emulation speed
*you may no longer attempt to save/load a savestate when no rom is open
*More minutiae than is reasonable to list


All Comments

zsnes1.51 lag問題

Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2008-09-23T12:01
使用新下載的zsnes1.51跑魔神轉生2完美中文版,發現移動游標、戰鬥切換視窗(我 方發動攻擊後,輪敵方反攻)時會lag。 想請問各位使用1.51版跑以往的遊戲會有lag現象嗎? (但我覺得遊戲速度好像比較快,魔神2的電腦思考時間一向很久,好像變得比較快? 是戰鬥動畫,移動游標會lag......) ...

Dolphin SVN R609

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2008-09-23T11:59
※ 引述《OPWaug (哼哼)》之銘言: Rev 609 Windows ...


David avatar
By David
at 2008-09-22T23:13
我以此模擬器執行了一個遊戲 但是不管怎麼按鍵盤 都無法投幣 就像是根本沒抓到鍵盤一樣 請問如何解決呢? -- ﹒ ﹒ ﹒ ’. ﹒ ﹒ ﹒ . ﹒ ’. ’ . ...


Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2008-09-22T23:09
這樣連搖桿都不能設定了ㄟ 有鄉親們知道是甚麼原因造成的嗎? - ...


Una avatar
By Una
at 2008-09-22T22:51
沒在遊戲列表出現的話按F5重新整理看看 還是沒有的話 請到所有遊戲列表 找到灌籃高手 執行看看 不能執行的話會有警告說少了哪個檔案 把找不到的檔案的檔名記下來 到Google或Yahoo搜尋看看 通常就會找到載點或解決方式了 通常搜到英文網站比較多 別怕 硬讀看看 應該可以找到 ...