Fifa 08 Wii interview 不負責任超速翻譯 - 任天堂

By Thomas
at 2007-06-14T14:04
at 2007-06-14T14:04
Table of Contents
In our initial look at FIFA Soccer 08 for the Nintendo Wii, we introduced
some of the new features and controls that will be part of the game.
However, one of things we didn't know is that the game will be the first
EA Sports game to introduce Nintendo Mii characters into gameplay,
particularly the party games included with the game. To celebrate this fact,
the producers behind the game have included one of the most recognizable
soccer stars in the world--FC Barcelona's own Ronaldinho--as a Mii in the game.
You'll be going up against Ronaldinho Mii in the various minigames in
Footii Party mode. To get more details on this mode, the Ronaldinho Mii,
and how the game is coming along, we spoke with FIFA 08 Wii producer
Tim Tschirner.
GameSpot: Before we talk "football," let's talk American football.
EA Sports debuted on the Nintendo Wii last year with Madden NFL 07.
Did you have much interaction with the team behind that game, and if so,
what kind of lessons learned have been brought to the development of
FIFA Soccer 08 for Wii?
你們做這遊戲時有沒有從EA前一作"馬當 NFL 07"得到些什麼影響或成長呢?
Tim Tschirner: Before we started development, we spent quite a bit of
time with the members of the Madden NFL 07 Wii team. They had a lot of
great information to share with us, both on the design side and the
technical side. On the design side, we were able to take away a lot of
invaluable information around gestures; for example, what worked well,
what didn't work so well, things they tried that weren't feasible, etc.
On the technical side, we were able to share quite a bit of their
low-level code and libraries.
我們花很多時間去了解"馬當 NFL 07"這個鳥遊戲的缺點在哪,以避免再次犯錯。
GS: When we saw the game in May, the control scheme wasn't finalized yet.
Have there been any important changes to the controls in the game since then
that we should know about?
TT: We have a really cool feature that we have added to the game since
I first showed you FIFA Soccer 08 on the Wii in May. At this point,
I am not able to go into more details other than to say we have created
an innovative new way to play the game, and it's especially great if
you're new to FIFA or want to play with or against someone who doesn't know
the game or the sport as well. It will allow players of all skill levels
to play together and share the experience.
Some other additions to the controls that I can go into details on are
directional passes and directional player switching. Regular passes are
executed by pressing the A button; if you hold down the A button, you can
do a gesture in one of the four main directions (up, down, left, or right)
and the player will pass in that direction. To switch players on defense,
you also use the A button; if you hold down the A button and do a gesture,
it will switch to the player that is positioned in that direction.
In addition to using the A button and a gesture, you can use the D pad.
The directional passing also works for through-passes by holding down
the B button and then doing a gesture. We also integrated functionality
to curve the ball by twisting the Wii Remote to the left or right when
you flick upward to take a shot.
稍微透露一點好了,就是阿,長按傳球鈕加方向鍵會有跟以往不同的變化唷~揪咪 ^_<*
GS: Did the team ever come up with any strange or unusual control ideas
that didn't make their way into the game?
TT: At the beginning of development, we discussed the idea of attaching
the Wii Remote to your foot to execute passes and shots that way.
We constructed a prototype by taking a sock and sewing a pocket to
the side that housed the Wii Remote. While it worked technically
(it detected passes and shots accurately), it felt really awkward to
stand up and take kicks into the air. In addition, your knees and ankles
would start hurting after a while, so in the end, we abandoned the idea.
你這樣誇獎我我也不會高興的啦~~釁 (扭)
All Comments

By Isabella
at 2007-06-16T02:41
at 2007-06-16T02:41

By Joseph
at 2007-06-18T14:45
at 2007-06-18T14:45

By Barb Cronin
at 2007-06-20T18:12
at 2007-06-20T18:12

By Ivy
at 2007-06-24T22:53
at 2007-06-24T22:53

By Jacob
at 2007-06-28T16:18
at 2007-06-28T16:18
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