FF14製作人的信實況(後篇)(中英對照) - Final Fantasy

Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2011-11-04T00:02

Table of Contents


Q: In regards to starting to charge a subscription fee, could you tell us
about the reasoning behind starting now?
A: As I mentioned in the previous LIVE,
our stance about being 50% complete has not changed. Though we have
been able to gradually implement FF-related content, I still think that there
is a lot that has not yet been completed, such as a lack of player search and
an auction house. With patch 1.20, we will be introducing the player search
and auction house, so I made the call as a producer to start billing at this
Q: 可以告訴我們為什麼現在就打算開始收費的背後原因嗎?
A: 如同在上次的Live中提到,我們當初只完成了50%的立場並沒有改變。

Q: What type of data will be carried over into the 2.0 version?
A1: Levels, character data, and achievements. There will be two exceptions,
though. The progress of some quests may be rolled back. Also, some items will
be moved from your item list to an NPC, as bag size may go back to 100.
Don’t worry. Everything will be saved!
Q: 有哪些資料是我們可以帶到2.0版的呢?
A: 等級、角色資料和成就。但是其中有兩項例外,某些執行中任務的進度也許會倒退,

Q: Will data only be carried over if you’re a paying player?
A: The data of those who aren’t paying will also be carried over to 2.0.
Don’t worry!
Q: 只有已經開始付費的玩家才能轉移資料嗎?
A: 別擔心,沒有付費的玩家資料也會一起轉移到2.0版的

Q: Will it be possible to play by using a keyboard only setup?
A: We will make it possible to fully customize your controls with keybinds,
so it will be possible to use the keyboard only as a means of playing
if you wish.
Q: 有可能設定成"只"用鍵盤來遊玩嗎?
A: 我們將會讓玩家可以完全自定所有的操作和按鍵綁定功能,所以如果你希望的話,

Q: When will the bazaar problem (being forced to stop walking when looking)
be fixed?
A: This will be addressed with the new server setup. Also any other
issues with server access is required will be fixed with new server, too.
A: 這個會在未來新的伺服器設定下改善,其中包含了所有其他和伺服器存取有關的問題

Q: Once 2.0 goes live, will gatherers and crafters be able to become
primary classes that can actually fight and not just sub-classes?
A: The FINAL FANTASY that I envision is one in which the player is an
adventurer who saves the world. Crafting and gathering are certainly
important elements of the game too, but looking at the larger picture,
battle is going to be necessary. There is no need to rush, so I would like
for players to try out various classes, including battle classes and then
decide on which class best fits them. Of course, this can be a crafting class
if they so choose.
Q: 當2.0實裝以後,採集者和製作工匠有可能成為主要職業,並且和其他戰鬥職並肩作戰
A: 我假想中的FF是由一群拯救了世界的冒險者所組成,採集和製造確實是遊戲中很重要的

Q: Will the new version be graphics heavy?
A: Not at all.
Currently only 40 characters can be displayed at once now. If you have the
recommended PC for the current version, it will display more characters at
once. If you have lower spec PC, you can turn off some extra settings and
still be able to enjoy everything.
Q: 新版本還會像現在一樣在顯示方面非常吃重嗎?
A: 再也不會了,目前的版本一次只能顯示40個角色。如果你的電腦已經達到了目前的

Q: With the map edits, will there be area changes/loading screens within
the map? Also, when changing areas and it is loading, do you have any
countermeasures about the chat and log getting cut off/lost?
A: There will be loading as a result of area changes. However, we will be
preparing countermeasures for chat and log being cut-off, so please do not
Q: 有關地圖重製,新地圖會有換區讀取中的圖片嗎?同時,在換區讀取中時,
A: 因為切換區域的關係,讀取畫面是必然的了。不過別擔心,我們會準備好相關的

Q: With the launch of 2.0, will we be able to change our character’s gender?
Can we change names?

A: Are you sure this is a good idea? Continue to give us feedback on the
forums! As for the name, currently it may be too long… If we implement the
ability to change names, we may want to reduce the length. We’re still
thinking about it, so please give us feedback.
Q: 2.0上市時我們可以重新設定角色的性別嗎?我們可以改名字嗎?
A: 你確定這是個好主意嗎?請在論壇上繼續給予我們建議。

Q:It seems like with FFXIV 2.0, you will be changing the game engine and
changing other core aspects of the game, but will the movements and what not
be as laggy as the current client? Depending on the conditions, we need to
customize our PCs so I am curious.
A: The main purpose in changing out the graphics engine is to allow for a
large amount of characters to be displayed in an MMORPG. Due to this,
after switching, it will be possible to display a lot more characters than
currently. Also, we are also making it possible to change the setting on your
PC, so there should not be lag.
Q: 由於2.0將會改變遊戲引擎以及許多其他核心設計,有關移動和其他方面客戶端可以
A: 我們更換圖像引擎的主要目的在於MMORPG中需要顯示大量的角色。

Q: What was that crown looking graphic the character was wearing?
A: It’s an achievement reward coming for 1.20. The gold looking one will be
harder to get. Hope you’re all looking forward to 1.20!
Q: 那個角色頭上看起來像王冠的東西是?
A: 那個是1.20中的成就獎勵。黃金色的那個將會很難取得,敬請期待1.20

Q:Will any kind of things be implemented so we can change the equipment on
our chocobos?
A:Actually, we have already decided on some armor from each of the three
city-states. If you are curious how you can obtain it, think along the
lines of how you obtained your personal chocobo…
Q: 什麼時候我們可以改變陸行鳥身上的裝備?
A: 事實上我們已經有一些新的三國裝甲式樣,如果你想知道如何取得,

Q:I have a question for you Yoshi-P. What are those photos on the wall
below the world clocks? I don’t recall seeing them in the previous LIVE
A:These are actually pictures I took at each office when I visited the
four regional Square Enix headquarters. You can’t see it in this broadcast,
but there are also pictures from my interviews on another wall!
Q: 吉田大大,請問你背後世界時鐘下面的照片是啥?上次實況的時候還沒有這些。
A: 這些是我去參訪四大區域的SE總部時拍的,還有一些在另外一面牆上你看不到的。

Q:Are you planning on adjusting the Ifrit reward distribution? I’ve killed
him 45 times… I’m starting to lose motivation now.
A: Yes, especially with regards to the Primal battles. We’re considering a
system along the lines of need or greed. In the mean time, I’m thinking
about other solutions to help people who tried many times, too.
Please wait a bit and we’ll give you some more details.
Q: 有計劃調整伊弗利特的獎勵品掉落嗎?我已經砍死他45次了,我已經打到膩了。
A: 是的,尤其是這種蠻神戰。我們正在研究有關貪需的機制。現時來說,

Q: Will there be any kind of special item given to players that start
subscribing now and keep playing through 2.0?
A: In addition to the achievement that will be related to the
Seventh Umbral Era, we are thinking about giving players a special mount…
(Showed some early test footage of characters riding enemies like Ahriman,
Drakes, and Goobues!)
Q: 對於現在就開始付費並且一路付到2.0的玩家會給予什麼特別的寶物嗎?
A: 對於有參與第七靈災的玩家,我們考慮給予一個特別的座騎

Q: It wasn’t listed on the documentation for 2.0, but what’s the status of
the jump feature?
A: Since we are revamping the maps for 2.0, we need to take time to
check things once we implement jump, and we are currently testing this with
aims to implement it for 2.0. In regards to swimming, we need to think about
raids and other content, so it will be planned for some time after 2.0.
(Yoshida also showed off some early test footage of characters jumping,
saying it’s still early in development.)
Q: 有關不在2.0文件上的項目,"跳"這個功能怎麼樣了?
A: 因為整個2.0地圖都重製了,在跳完成以後我們還得花些時間檢查一下,

Q: Will you add in some just-for-fun minigames like the ones from the
Gold Saucer in FFVII, or card games like the Triple Triad in FFVIII be added?

A: Although not included in the 2.0 document, there are plans for adding
minigames like the ones from the Gold Saucer. We are thinking of adding them
as the next phase for entertainment after housing is introduced! As for card
games, it will be important to go for both the entertainment value and reward
aspect of the games. They are being considered and if a good plan comes up,
we would definitely like to go for it.
Q: 會在遊戲中加入一些純好玩的小遊戲嗎?像是太七和太八那樣的。
A: 雖然2.0文件中沒寫,我們是有加入小遊戲的計畫,將會在玩家小屋

Q: Will you be able to swim in the future?
A: When looking at the current mount system plan, it may look hard. Internally,
everyone on the team is still debating it. As for swimming while on a mount,
it may end up as something like walking on water. We’ll see how it develops
as we go.
Q: 未來將會可以游泳嗎?
A: 由目前的騎乘系統計畫來看,這相當的困難,開發團隊內部正在熱烈的討論中。

Q: Will there equipment with special magic-type of effects on them?
Or spells like Regen in the future?
A: Yes, these are definitely on the way and planned for 2.0.
Q: 未來裝備上可能會有法術效果嗎,像是續恢術之類的。
A: 是的,2.0的時候肯定會有。

Q: I have a ton of guild tokens that I can’t use currently. Will there be
any opportunities to trade these for equipment in the future?
A: As we are currently adjusting classes for 1.20, we will change to a system
where you learn abilities as you level up. With this change, opportunities to
use guild tokens will no longer exist, so we are currently looking into
whether it would be better to make it possible to exchange them for gil or a
system where you can trade them to the guild.
Q: 我有一卡車用不完的公會代幣。未來有機會拿來換裝備嗎?
A: 根據我們目前1.20的職業調整計畫,將會改成你升級時便會自動學習到新技能,
We will solidify what we end up doing for 1.20. We’ll be sure to tell you
once we have decided so we can hear your feedback!

Q: I’m having trouble obtaining company seals. Do you have plans to increase
the amount obtainable or increase the ways you can obtain them?
A: In 1.20 we will be adding higher tier caravan defense and company
leves. We will not be increasing the amount you can obtain at one time, but
we plan on increasing the areas where you can obtain them, therefore making
it easier to collect.
Q: 軍票超級難搞的,你們有計劃增加軍票的獲得量或是獲得的方法嗎?
A: 1.20我們會實裝更高級的陸行鳥商隊保護任務以及大公司卡片任務。我們將不會增加

Q: In 2.0 will the head and face have separate slots so that we can
simultaneously equip a hat and glasses? Also, I would like to be able to
equip a cape as shoulder equipment and carry two weapons at once or be able
to grip a weapon with either right of left hands.
A: It is difficult to allow for the simultaneous equipment of both hat and
glasses from a technical perspective, but we are considering it so this does
not mean that it will never come in the future. As for equipping a cape, this
will all depend on how we can compromise on its animation quality.
But it will be quite difficult if we were to make it match the graphical
quality of FFXIV. As for gripping a weapon with either hands, we are
considering to allow the handling of weapons to be switched between hands
to increase the depth to battles.
Q: 2.0會把臉部和頭部裝備欄分開嗎?我們想要同時戴眼鏡和帽子。
A: 這在技術上有困難,不過我們會持續研究它,所以並不表示永遠不可能。

Q: Will you make it possible to display NPC names in English? It’s difficult
to communicate sometimes with English speaking players due to the localized
A: Yes, with 2.0, we are thinking about doing so.
Q: NPC的名字可以用英文顯示嗎?和他國玩家實在很難溝通。
A: 2.0我們有計劃這麼做。

Q: Do you have any plans to implement artifact/tools for crafter/gatherer
A: Currently for FFXIV, there really isn’t such thing as “artifact”,
but I guess it depends on the definition. There are class artifacts,
so we are planning for class specific equipment including achievement-related
items. We would like to make items so that they affect the items that
gatherers obtain, and for crafters it will affect what they make.
Q: 有任何 製造工匠/採集師 的 神器/工具 之類的計畫嗎?
A: 目前的FFXIV中還沒有什麼神器等級的東西,不過也許是定義方面的問題。

Q: Tell me more about Job system. Will it be like gladiator turns into a
paladin and then they change the way they fight?
A: For example, as for the paladin job, it requires certain things
such as having gladiator around level 30 and then you’ll need to clear a
quest. You will then advance the job through quests, instead of leveling them
Q: 我想知道更多有關Job系統的事,像是劍術士轉成騎士以後,戰鬥的方式會改變嗎?
A: 以騎士舉例來說,需要滿足一些條件,例如劍術士30級,然後你必須完成一個任務。

Q: When is the smart phone app for FFXIV coming?
A: As we are developing the 2.0 sever, we wanted to make sure that external
access will be possible (such as from an smart phone). For example, to allow
players to organize items in their bags or retainers via their smart phone,
check the markets, and play the chocobo farm as I mentioned earlier.
But this will be half a year after 2.0 goes live.
Q: 什麼時候智慧手機上會有FFXIV的軟體呢?
A: 當我們開發2.0的伺服器時,我們想確實的讓伺服器可以接收外部的存取

Q: We are dying to know which class gets which job- White mage and black mage,
which is conjurer and which is thaumaturge?
A: Conjurer is the white mage and thaumaturge is the black mage.
Q: 我們超想知道哪個class會拿到哪個Job,白魔和黑魔,哪個是咒術哪個是幻術
A: 幻術是白魔,咒術是黑魔。

Q: Achievement-related weapons look so good. What will happen to the crafter
HQs? Will the HQ from the crafters be not so good anymore?
A: HQ from crafters will be changed, too. If you compare achievement ones
with HQ ones, may be achievement ones will be better. However, there is a
possibility that HQ one will be stronger after materia are applied. So HQ
items from crafters will continue to be important.
Q: 成就武器看起來超讚的,那工匠的HQ品呢?工匠的HQ品就這樣廢掉了嗎?
A: 工匠的HQ品也會跟著改變。成就品和HQ品相比,成就品也許會好一點點,

Q: What sort of player-made add-ons are you exactly thinking of? Also, how
much game data will we be able to look at?
A: I’m thinking of add-ons on the UI. For example, changing the way it
looks, adding graphs to show enemy enmity, or adding more windows, things
that players make that actually interact with the game.
Fundamentally speaking, we are trying to allow for the maximum amount of data
to be used. As for the PS3 version, the dev team will be updating it to
keep up with the PC version.
Q: 你們有想過什麼類型的玩家自製插件嗎?另外,有多少遊戲資料是可以被看到的。
A: 我正在想使用者介面方面的插件,例如,改面視覺外觀,增加顯示仇恨度的圖表,

Q: Will a free trial version be available at the time of the 2.0 launch?
A: It won’t be in sync with the 2.0 launch, but we do have plans to make a
free trial version available afterwards. Countermeasures against RMTers will
also be worked on at an early stage as well.
Q: 2.0實裝時會有免費試玩嗎?
A: 並不會在2.0實裝時同步展開免費試玩,不過在之後我們已經有免費試玩版的計畫。

Q: All of the dungeons will become instanced, but does this mean all public
dungeons disappear?
A: For the ones that require a certain amount of people, I think it would be
better to be closed off, so please assume that this means they will basically
disappear. However, there will still be beastman strongholds in the
open fields.
Q: 所有的地下城都會改成副本形式,表示所有的開放式地下城都會消失嗎?
A: 需要特定人數的那種我想還是讓他消失的好,所以基本上你已經可以預想它們全部

Q: Yoshi-P! I want to ride magitech armor!
A: In the past we had a survey on the forums and magitech armor was
the number one choice from players! I’d like to add this after 2.0. (Showed
off an early design sketch)
Q: 吉田大!我想要騎魔導裝甲
A: 之前我們有在論壇上辦過問卷調查,魔導裝甲可是第一名。2.0之後我會把它做出來。

Q: Will new players after the launch of 2.0 be able to play the current
scenario? Also, how about the Instance raid? How about the Primal battles?
Also, you said something along the lines of “fights with current adventures
will be engraved.” What does that mean?
A: As for the main scenario, yes it will be possible, as it will be different
from Seventh Umbral Era. As for the Primal battles, it will be taking place
in Seventh Umbral era, so it may be only possible to challenge now. Anyway,
in order to play everything you have to play as it goes on now.
Q: 目前的劇情,2.0以後才加入的玩家玩得到嗎?另外,是否會有團隊副本呢?
A: 有關主線劇情方面,是的,仍然可以玩到,不過和第七靈災的時代會有些不同。蠻神

Q: Will dragoons have a wyvern?
A: After 2.0, we are thinking about having them use their breath ability when
you jump. However, as I answered in the interviews, I think you all really
would like to fight alongside a wyvern pet. With a dragoon having a pet wyvern,
battle balance will be necessary for both master and pet, and as a result the
dragoon itself might become a bit weaker. We would like to hear your feedback
on this before we make any final decisions.
Q: 龍騎士會有自己的小龍嗎?
A: 2.0之後,我們考慮在你跳上天時讓牠使用噴火能力。然而,根據之前的會談,

Q: On the schedule “player room and private area” is TBD. What is that
A: As for the housing, I think it is important that an MMO player has
his/her own private area. We are still planning this but something like
having bonus when logging out from the private area would be nice. The
resource work for them is done so implementation may not be too far away.
Q: 計劃表上的"玩家房間和私人區域" 未定。 這是什麼狀況?
A: 房屋方面,我想對MMO玩家來說有個私人空間是很重要的。我們仍然在計畫中。

Q: Will the level cap be removed before the release of 2.0?
A: This is not planned until patch 1.21. It won’t be good to have a huge gap
in players’ level until 2.0 goes live, so we would like to carefully weigh
our options.
Q: 2.0實裝以後等級上限會改變嗎?
A: 在1.21之前這方面沒有變動的計畫。在2.0實裝前讓玩家等級產生大落並差不是什麼


All Comments

Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2011-11-07T06:23
Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2011-11-08T16:40
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2011-11-13T09:33
這次有換對人 不然14死掉實在很可惜...XDDD
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2011-11-17T19:38
錯過先機了 不太可能難救回來 做的再好也只會變成小眾遊戲XD
Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2011-11-19T09:25


Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2011-11-03T12:11
請問~~ 有哪個網址有提供詳細的攻略啊 巴哈提供的wiki停掉了 - ...


Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2011-11-02T23:30
目前進度第三章 進去後跟那隻青蛙還有女性講完話後, 把裡面的寶箱跟怪都打完了, 回去找他們講話都沒事情發生 但是按start的地圖依然顯示這裡會有事件 出洞窟再進來, 打完怪後還是一樣 這邊有什麼事件嗎?? 另外分享二個日文攻略網站, 不過我的問題都沒寫.... 是我的問題基本到一個不可以嗎???XD ...


Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2011-11-02T16:12
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qb_uIKIlH5A 這邊是FF版 我應該也不用多說什麼了吧 XD 不過被致敬大家會很生氣嘛? 我個人是沒有很特別的感覺啦... 畢竟這MV很有滷蛋的風格 倒是藉這機會翻出AC再溫習一次~ 感想一如既往 ...TIFA好漂亮阿!!!!!!!! ...

FF13-2日版主題曲 先行MV

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2011-10-31T21:46
ふくい舞 / 約束の場所 http://youtu.be/RFY5oq-gVuk ------------------- 這個...還搭配了一堆DLC的主題曲 個人覺得不錯聽啦~ 順便貼一下相關的DLC http://blog.esuteru.com/archives/5143275.html 就 ...


Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2011-10-31T21:37
我來告訴你為什麼沒有被入選吧... 從這可以看出日本人選擇歌曲並不完全因為單純and#34;好聽and#34; 而是音樂和劇情有沒有產生共鳴。 就投票,觀察這份名單除了Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles 沒有玩過之外,這份排名真的太貼切了(就FF而言) 先來看FF2唯一 ...