FCEU-PS3 v1.1 - 模擬器

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2010-10-27T13:14

Table of Contents

FCEU-PS3 v1.1 is released. FCEU-PS3 is a Nintendo (NES) emulator for PS3.
FCEU-PS3 ported by developer shinhalsafar.



- Just enough to play a ROM
- 4P Support


Up - Go up
Down - Go down
Left - Go back five file entries
Right - Go forward five file entries
L1 - Go back one page
R1 - Go forward one page

Cross - (If directory selected) enter directory/ (if ROM selected) start ROM
Triangle - Same as Cross
Circle - (If not in root directory) Go back to previous directory
L2 + R2 - (If you previously exited a ROM) return to game
Select - Go to settings menu (see 'CONTROLS IN SETTINGS MENU' section)


Up - Go up one setting
Down - Go down one setting
Left - Change setting to the left
Right - Change setting to the right

Circle - Go back to ROM menu


Display framerate - This will show the FPS (Frames Per Second) onscreen
Resolution - Switch between resolutions - 480p mode, 720p mode and 1080p mode
(depending on your monitor's supported resolutions)
Aspect Ratio - Switch between aspect ratios 4:3 and 16:10 (16:9 will come
shortly, for now choose 16:10 on widescreen - perhaps small
cutoff at left and right))
Hardware Filtering - Switch between Linear interpolation (Bilinear filtering)
and Point filtering.


Nothing worth really explaining here -

R3 + L3 - Press these two buttons together while in-game to go back to the
ROM browser menu.

TIP: You can use any USB controller you like and it will map the buttons on
the fly - it is even possible to hotswap joysticks - remove one from the
USB port, replace it with another one - it should all work fine. even
SNES-to-USB converters should work.

To play a game with a USB controller as Player 1, start up your PS3 and
rather than using the Sixaxis/DualShock3, plug in an USB port before
connecting the controller to the PS3 - your USB pad should then become
Controller 1.


* For people running this on HDTVs complaining about input lag:
- Turn off all post-processing filters you may have running - on Sony Bravia
HDTVs, display Motion Flow (this also causes input lags
with most games in general, not just this SNES emu. If your HDTV has a 'Game'
mode or something of the sort, select that as well.


* 100% everywhere, let me know otherwise.


- SRAM save
- State save
- Filters
- GameGenie

FCEU-PS3 Changelog:
changeset: 34:745b426ef9a4
tag: tip
user: halsafar@hal-vm-ubuntu
date: Tue Oct 26 02:29:31 2010 -0600
summary: - state saving working to USRDIR

changeset: 33:3be285f90bf2
user: halsafar@hal-vm-ubuntu
date: Tue Oct 26 01:56:13 2010 -0600
summary: - can state save and load from a single state save file using FCEU
API none the less

changeset: 32:25a0b79bf25c
user: halsafar@hal-vm-ubuntu
date: Tue Oct 26 01:39:28 2010 -0600
summary: - new controller style (original and better). see settings window

changeset: 31:db48cb17f7d8
user: halsafar@hal-vm-ubuntu
date: Tue Oct 26 00:51:28 2010 -0600
summary: - zip support! only single file zip

changeset: 30:1bbf3a5c6cea
user: Hans-Kristian Arntzen
date: Mon Oct 25 21:10:42 2010 +0200
summary: Some slight adjustment to audio code.


All Comments

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