FCE Ultra v0.98.25 - 模擬器

Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2008-04-08T23:09

Table of Contents

FCEU v0.98.25

*As requested, Memory Tools->Update Speed->High works at highest possible
speed as in 0.98.16. Normal speed now works as High speed in 0.98.24. Low is
still the same.
*Fixed bug introduced by me in 0.98.23, where loading a memory address list
in Memory Watch, before loading a game, would crash FCEU.
*Clear button in Memory Watch now clears everything correctly, even if
emulation is paused.
*Movies should not loop endlessly anymore when loading a state after using
Read-Only Toggle to turn it on.
*FCEU doesn′t crash anymore when you try to load a savestate from a very
small movie. This was caused by some bug introduced by me.
*FCEU now sends a message when it loads a .cht file. This message can be
found in the Message Log window.
*Wrong movie message should be more reliable now... Here′s how it works:
-It compares 50 random bytes, ignoring the last 4 bytes from each movie.
-Only movies larger than 4 bytes are compared now.
If it′s still not working correctly for someone, upload the savestate and
the movie file and I′ll take at look at it.

So, this version hopefully fixes everything reported by klmz.

By the way, adelikat found a "new" bug:
*Use external input is now greyed out under the tools menu.
(It′s been like this since the first version I ever compiled. May be related
to this. If you need to use BasicBot, stick with v0.98.16, as it doesn′t
work in newer versions. I′ll investigate about this when I have more time,
as it′s a whole new subject for me.)

And I found another bug, which is also present in v0.98.16:
*Trying to record a movie from a savestate won′t work, unless your Movies
and Save States folder are the same.
(I′m going to fix this one for the next version.)


All Comments


Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2008-04-07T23:55
最近剛完這款遊戲 招式有分強跟弱 想請問的是要怎麼用出比較強的摔技呀 按了老半天都是弱的 而下面那天會變色的又代表什麼 懇請解答 謝謝~ - ...

問題 六三四之劍

Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2008-04-07T23:16
請問有人破嗎? 我一直卡在第三關, 常常被從天而降的敵人殺死, 請問有沒有秘技啊! 謝謝! - ...


Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2008-04-07T20:05
※ 引述《liyon (耶耶耶 杰拉德)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《romado (藍綠無雙之中正廟攻防戰)》之銘言: : : 就是養一堆龍,還要餵東西,然後會亂進化的 : : 最後女主角跟人跑 : : 男主角變阿宅,照顧龍的 : : 女主角的客兄被民眾給掛掉 : : 的那個… : : 請問有全套攻略嗎? : ...

MAME Plus! 0.124u1a

Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2008-04-07T18:14
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Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2008-04-07T17:58
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