FCE Ultra v0.98.22 - 模擬器

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2008-04-01T09:11

Table of Contents



*Now it′s possible to select/copy text in replay window.
*Memory viewer doesn′t blink a lot, doesn′t use 100% CPU power and its
update speed is configurable.
*"High" update speed setting for Memory tools doesn′t use 100% CPU power
anymore. "Turbo is unstable" and related problems should be really gone now.
*New directory override for "FDS BIOS ROM Image" (disksys.rom), as requested
by adelikat.
*FCEU now detects when a loaded state is not from the same movie. It will
give a warning about this, but won′t block anything.
*Movies don′t play endlessly with always same input when loading states from
other movies.
*When loading a movie with an FDS image, it will ignore the shadow disk image
now. It will also ignore it when starting to record a new movie (fixes a non
reported bug?).
*Minor cosmetic changes:
-"Replay input" dialog now shows "Current ROM Sum" instead of "Current ROM".
-"Update Speed" menu doesn′t look like crap anymore.

Savestates didn′t have author info, they only had recorded input and other
related data; so I had to go with your second idea. It only compares 20
frames, but 5 should have been ok too, thanks to the strange way FCM files
save recorded input.

I finally didn′t block anything (only a warning), as I still don′t know how
reliable this detection method really is; and also sometimes is useful to
load states from other movies.


All Comments


Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2008-04-01T02:18
我已經忘記哪時候用模擬器玩的了! 記得比較不一樣的是 那一款的洛克人好像可以集東西 然後去商店買東西 商店的東西我記的 好像有小顆子彈連射 然後小子彈變大 好像還有集氣可以集更大 蠻特別的 有三角跳躍 所以應該不是元祖系列 也不是洛克人andamp;佛魯迪 謝謝瞜 -- 晡資~~ ht ...


Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2008-04-01T00:01
不知道大家是否有聽過這款主機3DO (Panasonic公司出的) 3DO似乎是介於超任卡夾式主機跟PS或SS光碟式主機之間的機種 小時候曾經因為一些機緣而接觸到這款主機 那時覺得它的畫面真是超好的(.......那時候PS還沒現身哩) 很喜歡其中一款遊戲and#34;Road Rushand#34; 裡邊一 ...


Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2008-03-31T11:30
小弟玩到西歧火雲洞(應該是這個動吧) 姬昌叫我去找姜子牙 但我不知道去哪找andgt;and#34;andlt;卡很久了 那個洞進去又被寶箱擋住... 爬文看一下...之前的人有問過... 但是他是要找瘟疫的藥...那我已經過了.. 現在是要找姜子牙.. 麻煩破關的大大幫忙解答一下阿 - ...


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2008-03-31T09:53
光陰飛逝 這款遊戲已經是17年前的老遊戲了 但還是覺得很好玩 想請問的是 這款遊戲要怎麼練功 有什麼技巧 還是方法呢 才能讓每個人到最後一關都是八段、九段 不會與敵方差太多 不然每次到最後 都只有忍者、槍兵、鉄砲、武士 等幾這人可以戰鬥 其他如弓箭、僧侶等等都只能躲得遠遠的 被砍一刀或打一槍就往生了 ...


Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2008-03-31T02:35
由於去年本人剛好入伍,而去年所放上的檔也已經失連很久, 所以我利用最近放下假重新整裡了一下音樂,順便將之前少 放進去的9首音樂一起補上(包括瑪利亞vs艾爾卡多的戰鬥音 樂,圖書館配樂等9首),我個人還是放在RS空間,30天只要有 下載就不會消失,希望沒收集到音樂的同好可以再次下載, 另外如果放音樂在 ...