(FC) My Nes GTK v3.2 - 模擬器

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2019-04-02T11:12

Table of Contents


My Nes GTK is a nes emuator written in .net C#. It can run an Windows(R) and
Linux platforms. It uses GTK# for menus, SDL.NET for emulator window.


- My Nes GTK Interface Features

Uses GTK# which is an easy-to-use multi-platform interface.
A good launcher interface, allows to easily select and run games.
Uses NesCart DB to show and use accurate game information.
Allows to easily edit and change the emulation settings.

- My Nes SDL

Run game in windowed or fullscreen mode with useful video options like keep
aspect ratio.

Ability to save snapshots of current game.
Save and load state ability.

- My Nes Core Features

‧ Accuracy, My Nes pass almost all known nes tests by emulating the real
hardware behaviors without any kind of emulation hack.
‧ Multi-threaded Emulator, the emulation process run in thread separated
from renderer threads.

This may improve
performance especially with multi core cpus.

My Nes Emulation Specification

‧ CPU 6502: All CPU 6502 instructions implemented including the so called
illegal opcodes.
‧ Interrupts: Implement exact interrupt timings like interrupt check before
the last instruction behavior
‧ PPU: Implement the Picture Processor Unit as described in the wiki docs
http://wiki.nesdev.com/w/index.php/PPU_rendering with exact timing
‧ Palettes: Implement the palette generator of NTSC video as described at
‧ TV Formats: NTSC, PALB and DENDY.
‧ Sound: Implement all Nes 5 sound channels, MMC5 external sound channels
and VRC6 external sound channels.
‧ Sound Playback: Frequency can be 22050 Hz, 44100 Hz or 48000 HZ. Bit rate
fixed to 16 bit, channels fixed to Mono.
Also, My Nes implement the exact Mixer as descriped at
(i.e. low-pass and high-pass filters).
‧ Mappers And Boards: Implement about 97% of known and documented mappers
‧ Controllers: 4 players joypads, each joypad is playable through Keyboard,
Joystick or XBox360 Game Controller (XInput).
Also Game Genie is implemented as well.

My Nes GTK v3.2 Changelog:

* My Nes GTK is rebuilt from scratch, performance and usubality is improved
* My Nes GTK is now become compatible with new My Nes Emulation Engine
(version 7)
* My Nes SDL is now updated to the latest renderer implementation and
options. Emulation rendering performance and quality is improved slightly.
* My Nes, My Nes GTK and My Nes SDL all now share the same emulation engine
core (Core.dll), thus, any new updates regards
the My Nes emulation core is applied to this version too.
* Added refresh info button which allows to refresh game snaps, states ...
etc after playing a game.
* Improved Input Setting dialog, allows to configure inputs more easily.





All Comments


Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2019-04-01T16:45
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Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2019-04-01T00:34
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迷你超任相關 canoe EMU

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2019-03-31T23:45
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Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2019-03-31T21:47
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Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2019-03-30T10:19
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