FBZX v2.5.0 - 模擬器

Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2011-04-09T22:27

Table of Contents


FBZX v2.5.0 is released. FBZX is a Sinclair Spectrum emulator, designed to
work at full screen using the FrameBuffer or under X-Windows.

FBZX's main features:
* emulates acurately the Original spectrum (both issue 2 and issue 3), the
classic 128K, the Amstrad Plus 2, the Amstrad Plus 2A and the Spanish 128K.
This include screen, keyboard and sound (both speaker and AY-3-8912 chip).
* Screen emulation is extremely acurate, so it can emulate border efects and
even atribute efects.
* Supports Z80 snapshots, both loading and saving, and loading .SNA snapshots.
* Supports TAP (both read and write) and TZX (only read) tape files,
supporting normal speed loading and fast speed loading.
* Emulates joysticks: kempston, cursor and sinclair.
* Emulates the Interface I and Microdrive.
* Based in a new, fully free, Z80 emulator (Z80Free).
* Is distributed under GPLv3 license.

FBZX v2.5.0 Changelog:
- Allows to insert POKE values
- Emulates B&W TV sets
- Allows to load and save SCR snapshots


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Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2011-04-09T22:25
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By Rae
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Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2011-04-09T12:55
能開啟模擬器但是就是不能開啟遊戲 是讀取iso 但是1.7就能正常啟動1.6就不行 我是看到別人說1.6惡靈古堡模擬比較好他們玩1.7的症狀都跟我一樣 有時後開門都會卡很久的問題 配備 p4 3.0 ram 1g 顯卡室內建的 - ...


Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2011-04-09T00:59
大家好,我今天在板上的分享區中下載了 DeSmuME0.9.7x86來玩,而我之前的模擬器是 NO$GBA,雖然這兩個都是nds模擬器,但是為 什麼我想玩本身是漢化的遊戲時,NO$GBA運行 遊戲的時候遊戲內容是中文的沒錯, 而DeSmuME0.9.7x86運行的結果為什麼 卻是英文的呢??是我哪裡沒用好還是 ...

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Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2011-04-08T23:32
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