FB Alpha - 模擬器

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2008-08-27T08:57

Table of Contents

26 August 2008

Here's the what's new;

- Added support for the K007232 sound chip [Barry]
- Added support for the K051960 and K052109 gfx chips [Barry]
- Rewrote the TMNT driver which is now fully working [Barry]
- Added driver for Commando and clones [Barry]
- Added ESD16 driver [iq_132]
- Added NMG5 driver [iq_132]
- Added Tecmo driver [iq_132]
- Added SunA16 driver [iq_132]
- Added Kangaroo driver to debug builds [iq_132]
- Added daimakr2 to the CPS-1 driver [Barry]
- Added snowbrod to the Snow Bros. driver [Barry]
- Added sound to the Pacman driver and fixed some issues with
the default inputs [Barry]
- Added support for the YM3562 sound chip [Barry]
- Added the YM3526 sound to bestbest in the SunA16 driver [Barry]
- Added DAC support to Stratovox [iq_132]
- Corrected the refresh rate in the CPS-1 driver [Barry]
- Changed the refresh rate in the CPS-3 driver [Barry]
- Imported fixes from MAME 0.126u5 for fm.c [Barry]
- Reduced DAC volume in fm.c for YM2612 matching MAME 0.127 [Barry]
- Marked the fake CHD CPS-3 sets as hacks so they can be
filtered out [Barry]
- Fixed an issue with cheats in Z80 (ZET) based games [Barry]
- Added a feature to auto-download support files [Captain CPS-x]
- Merged all the LoadPNG() calls [Captain CPS-X]
- Added favourite gamelist support [Captain CPS-X]
- Allowed the recent gameslist to cycle games currently in the
list [Captain CPS-X]
- Fixed issues with mouse events on the game window [Captain CPS-X]
- Added zlib/libPNG to FBA source, they are now compiled rather
than using pre-compiled libraries [Captain CPS-X]
- Some updates to the minGW Win32 header file allowing Win32 API
Versions 3.8+ to be used, and also to add support for some new
functionality to older versions[Barry, Captain CPS-X]
- Added a filter for Konami games [Barry]
- Matched all sets to MAME 0.127 [Barry]



李 居 明 鄭 百 勝 羅 國 璋 曾 智 偵 黃 平 洋 黃 裕 登
廖 敏 雄 王 光 輝 張 耀 騰 呂 明 賜 陳 義 信 涂 鴻 欽
黃 煚 隆 黃 忠 義 林 朝 煌 陽 介 仁
孫 昭 立 王 光 熙 謝 長 亨 陳 憲 章
林 仲 秋 郭 建 霖 郭 進 興 郭 建 成


All Comments


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2008-08-27T03:56
※ 引述《maninpink (品客)》之銘言: : 我是從這個網站下載的CUE、BIN檔 : http://www.segasoluce.net/SegaSoluce/iso/a-c/a-c.htm : 區碼跟BIOS更改成日版 : 進到九宮格之後,按下PLAY的時候 : 會出現一個男生的聲音,大概是CD不 ...

妖精戰士(亞克傳承)1代 記錄檔

Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2008-08-27T00:48
◎.求檔前請先參閱板規,並請依照格式撰寫(本文可用 Ctrl+y 消去) ______________________________________________________________________________ 遊戲平台:PS 內容陳述:很特別的SLG遊戲,尤其是二代應該算是巔峰之作 ...


Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2008-08-26T23:52
最近一直在衝sfc的洛克人x、x2、x3 突然在youtube看到兩個很搞笑的洛克人影片 沒貼上來…覺得對不起自已的良心 一、沒破關不能睡覺 http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=J6c2xmX0Gwoandamp;feature=related 二、這個傢伙真的有幫忙的意思嗎? ...


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2008-08-26T21:59
唔 繼上次0.8版的記憶卡初始化不能後 現在換用0.9版本 0.9版本就能順利初始化完記憶卡 但依然無法進入遊戲 依然是會在 記憶卡(進去就說沒有檔案)跟本機設定畫面(按browser就又回記憶卡畫面)來回 就是無法進入遊戲atat 另外 我試過0.9.4要安裝的版本跟0.9.5免安裝版 但是都會在按and ...

MESS 0.127

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2008-08-26T20:56
August 26, 2008 New System Drivers Supported (in no particular order): - IBM PC/XT-286 [Wilbert Pol] System Driver Changes: - [AMIG ...