Fallout Vault系列:101避難所 - Steam

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2017-11-30T23:59

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為了對咱們Fallout 3的偉大主角表示尊敬,底下一律稱她「101殺神」


正史:Fallout 1/2/3/New Vegas/4,以及所有衍生漫畫

半正史:Fallout Tactics、Fallout Warfare、Official Fallout Game Guides



Vault 101 101避難所(Fallout 3)

Vault 101 is one of the vault series of fallout shelters developed by
Vault-Tec in the northwest area of Washington, D.C., near the real-world
suburb Tysons Corner. This vault is located northwest of Megaton, and west of
Springvale. It was home to the Lone Wanderer until they left to search for
their father.

101避難所位於華盛頓DC的西北邊,真實世界的Tysons Corner市郊附近、Megatown西北邊

Background 背景

Construction and purpose 建造和目的

It is not known exactly when the construction of Vault 101 began, but it was
constructed sometime in the 2060s along with the other vaults in Washington,


Vault 101 has been opened numerous times, violating its original mandate, and
became infested by radroaches during these events, making the vault
susceptible to additional large infestations as time went by. One of the main
and only objectives of Vault 101 security has been the containment of these


The original and underlying purpose of the Vault 101 vault experiment, was to
stay closed indefinitely, in order to study the role of the overseer when a
vault never opened. The limited genetic material would eventually result in
inbreeding, had no "new blood" ever entered. Vault 101 was supplied with most
of the equipment it would need to function indefinitely, such as seen with
spare parts for the water processor, but the vault did not receive a
G.E.C.K., a device that would only be useful for surface dwellers.


Activities 活動

In their free time, the inhabitants of Vault 101 engage in various


Cake Bake-Off 烤蛋糕

The "Cake Bake-Off" is a competitive event, and in this event, contestants
bake various types of cakes which are judged according to a select criteria,
with the winner or winners being given a worthy prize.


On July 13, 2268, a notice on the bulletin board within the cafeteria
announces the annual Cake Bake-Off. This year, the judges will only accept
bundt cakes.


Founder's Day 創立者之日

"Founder's Day" is a holiday recognized on the Vault 101 calendar, and is
celebrated on the 23rd of October. This holiday commemorates the overseer,
who governed the vault in the late 21st century. Two centuries later,
Beatrice Armstrong, a vault resident, continually honors the original
Overseer by dedicating one of her older poems to him. Beatrice cannot write a
new poem during the latest Founder's Day, as she had trouble finding a
rhyming word for 'Overseer'.

導101避難所的第一任監督。兩百年後,一個名為Beatrice Armstrong的居民用她過去寫

Hunt the Mutant 狩獵變種人

"Hunt the Mutant" is a game played in Vault 101 by children; a
post-apocalyptic variation of hide-and-seek. A player is selected as the
mutant, in which they hide while other players hunt for them. When the player
is found, the game restarts and another player is picked to be the mutant.


At one of Wally Mack's birthday parties in the 2260s, this game is played in
the atrium. Wally later mentions this game at the Lone Wanderer's tenth
birthday party on July 13, 2268. By mentioning this game, Wally is
unfavorably comparing his party to the Lone Wanderer's party.

在2260年代,Wally Mack的某次生日派對上,他們在中庭玩這個遊戲,之後他在101殺神

Timeline 時間線

Early years 早年

Just after the Great War in 2077, the first Vault 101 overseer, in order to
prevent anyone from leaving the vault, created the illusion that the outside
world was an uninhabitable nuclear-ravaged wasteland with absolutely no hope
of existence outside of the vault. This was accomplished through regular fake
radio transmissions (recorded before the Great War), increasing the idea
amongst Vault 101 dwellers that the only hope of survival was within the
vault. The first Vault 101 overseer died of natural causes in 2127, having
prepared a subordinate to continue the Vault experiment.


The second Vault 101 overseer led Vault 101 dwellers by the same isolationist
doctrine, but also attempted to convince senior vault dwellers to become
complicit in the vault experiments. Hypocritically enough, the second Vault
101 overseer was the first able to communicate with, and even visit, the
outside world by using the secret tunnel in the Overseer's office. However,
for all other intents and purposes, the vault dwellers were sealed in
according to the Vault 101 mantra: "we are born in the vault, we live in the
vault, and we die in the vault".


Sometime before 2241, an Unnamed Vault 101 overseer strongly favored of
outside contact, and assembled a survey team led by Anne Palmer; together
they began planning for their journey and theorizing types of mutations they
might encounter. They finally went to the outside world around Vault 101,
going up to Megaton sometime before February 10, 2241. The survey team
returned to Vault 101 on February 10, and analyzed their samples to see if
the outside world was still dangerously irradiated or able to sustain life.
They studied the giant ant they killed and decided to revise their survey
plans in light of what they have learned. Lewis and Agnes Taylor, two members
of the survey team remained in Megaton to serve as contacts between the two
settlements and to further survey the surrounding environments. Agnes Taylor
returned to Vault 101 around 2258. The overseer who preceded Alphonse
Almodovar vanished after another expedition to the Capital Wasteland failed.

們殺掉的巨型螞蟻,並決定據此修改調查計畫。兩名隊員Lewis和Agnes Taylor留在
Megaton作為兩地之間的聯絡員並繼續調查周遭環境。Agnes Taylor在2258年回到101避難
所,而時任監督在某次於首都廢土的探查失敗時失蹤了,接任的人是Alphonse Almodovar

Isolation 孤立

His successor, Alphonse Almodovar, became the new overseer of Vault 101
sometime before 2258. Under his rule, the vault changed into a police state
with a strict policy of isolationism. Early in Alphonse's tenure as overseer
around 2258-2259, James and his child, later known as the Lone Wanderer, came
to the vault seeking shelter and arrived in front of Vault 101. James
proposed to become Vault 101's new physician in return for entry into Vault
101, and Alphonse granted his request. After James and his child entered into
the vault, he kept his child ignorant of their origins because of his
agreement with Alphonse, convincing the Lone Wanderer that they were born in
the Vault. In the late 2260s, Jonas Palmer was appointed to be James'
assistant by Alphonse Almodovar, who hoped he would be a voice of reason.
Between 2265-2267, a girl escaped Vault 101, and made her way to Megaton. She
entered in the Craterside Supply and asked Moira Brown to reinforce her vault
jumpsuit, but the girl never returned to pick it up, leaving her armored
Vault 101 jumpsuit in the Craterside Supply in Megaton. On 12 July 2268, the
water purifier began to malfunction but it was repaired by Stanley Armstrong.
On 13 July 2268, Butch DeLoria, Wally Mack and Paul Hannon Jr. began looking
for a name for their future gang, which later became known as the Tunnel
Snakes. In 2272, another Vault 101 dweller escaped from Vault 101 and also
made his way to Megaton. He made his way to Moriarty's Saloon, telling Colin
Moriarty that members of Vault 101 were brainwashed into believing the
overseer was the only voice of reason.

Alphonse Almodovar接任監督後設立了一個警備站並執行嚴格的孤立主義。在大約
的身世,讓她以為她原本就生於避難所。在2260年代晚期,Alphonse指派Jonas Palmer當
入Craterside Supply請Moira Brown修理她的避難所連身服,但她再也沒有回來,把自己
的101避難所裝甲連身服留在此處。2268年7月12號,淨水器故障,由Stanley Armstrong
修理好。隔天,Butch DeLoria、Wally Mack和Paul Hannon Jr.想替他們的小幫派找個名
稱,後來叫做Tunnel Snakes。2272年,另一名居民也逃離101避難所來到Megaton,他來
到Moriarty's Saloon,跟Colin Moriarty說101避難所的居民都被監督洗腦了,相信他

Gradually, Alphonse Almodovar came to having an entire generation of Vault
101 dwellers who were playing along with the vault experiments, keeping the
secrets from their children. He and his followers continued to receive
periodic information from the outside world, while those not in the know were
told that things had gotten so bad that whoever was sending transmissions was
no longer able to do so, reinforcing the thought that leaving the vault was
sheer suicide.

Alphonse Almodovar時期開始培養了一整個世代的人,這批人完全遵從避難所實驗,對他

James' departure James的離開

On August 17, 2277, a radroach infestation had started, and James took this
moment to his advantage, quickly escaping the Vault once and for all. In the
ensuing conflict between radroaches and the security team, Agnes Taylor dies
of a heart attack, Floyd Lewis and Vikki Hannon are both killed and Paul
Hannon Jr. is critically wounded by radroaches. Jonas Palmer is immediately
questioned about why James has left, but in the procedure is brutally killed
by Stevie Mack. Every member of the Vault 101 security force is then ordered
to both contain the radroach infestation and capture the Lone Wanderer for
questioning about James' departure. A few moments later, Amata Almodovar,
daughter of Overseer Alphonse, awakens the Lone Wanderer, her best friend,
and explains the situation.

輻射蟑螂的戰爭時,Agnes Taylor心臟病發而死、Floyd Lewis和Vikki Hannon被蟑螂所
殺、Paul Hannon Jr.重傷。Jonas Palmer遭Steve Mack質問James離開的理由,並隨後被
James離開的事情。不久後,監督Alphonse的女兒Amata Almodovar搖醒她最好的朋友.

During the Lone Wanderer's escape in seeking the outside world for answers,
Tom Holden and Mary Holden or officers O'Brian and Richards die or the Lone
Wanderer distracted the guards so the Holdens could escape and flee before
more blood was spilled. Amata is interrogated by her father and Officer Mack,
before the Lone Wanderer either rescues her, kills her father, or sneaks by.
In front of the vault door, Amata bids farewell to the Wanderer just before
Officers Park and Wolfe come and try to halt the escape but are dodged by the
Lone Wanderer. The vault door opens and the Lone Wanderer leaves Vault 101
for the Capital Wasteland.

在101殺神從避難所逃往外界以尋找答案的過程中,Tom Holden和Mary Holden可能會被警

Sometime after James' departure, Paul Hannon Jr. dies from a radroach bite
after refusing treatment, and the Vault 101 overseer becomes more oppressive
with the Vault 101 dwellers than before. But all the vault dwellers living in
blissful ignorance finally discover that the world outside could be accessed,
life above ground is possible, some expedition was already done in the past
and they have been living a lie. This discovery created a new crisis in Vault
101 and the vault became divided into two groups.

在James離開後的某個時間點,Paul Hannon Jr.被輻射蟑螂咬傷,拒絕治療而死。監督對

Vault experiments crisis 避難所實驗危機

The group of rebels was led by Amata Almodovar, and included all of the young
vault dwellers, who were holed up in the vault clinic. They wanted to open
Vault 101, interact with the outside world, open up limited trade with nearby
settlements and make excursions into the wasteland when necessary. The other
group was led by the Vault 101 overseer and he wanted to keep the vault
closed permanently, in accordance with the vault experiments. Butch DeLoria
himself wished to abandon the vault entirely and live on the surface.

反對派的領導是Amata Almodovar,包括所有年輕的居民,以避難所診所為根據地。他們
行。另一派由監督領導,希望避難所繼續執行實驗保持永久封閉。而Butch DeLoria自己

Some time later, the vault received radio contact from the Enclave seeking to
gain entry into Vault 101 because their passwords to the vault door no longer
matched their records (it was changed to "Amata" by Amata Almodovar to bring
the Lone Wanderer later into Vault 101), but after brief negotiation, the
Vault 101 overseer refused to let them in, thinking he can't expose his vault
and its dwellers to an unknown factor, much less one that would so gallantly
suggest abandoning the vault experiments, also thinking it was an additional
reason to prevent the rebels from opening Vault 101 to the likes of them.
After that, Amata Almodovar began to send out the Vault 101 emergency
frequency around Vault 101 in the Capital Wasteland, hoping that the Lone
Wanderer would come to aid them in their current crisis.

碼跟他們的紀錄不符(Amata把密碼從”Amata”換成” Amata Almodovar”)。但在短暫
的反抗者的另一個理由(譯註:這句不確定)。在這次事件之後,Amata Almodovar開始

Vault 101's fate afterwards is not confirmed in canon; if Amata Almodovar
became the new overseer or dies, if Alphonse Almodovar was still the overseer
or Allen Mack became the new one, if the group of rebels were deterred or if
Vault 101 was open, kept closed, destroyed or thrown into chaos, and if the
Lone Wanderer helped them for one of its possibilities. But at this time, the
number of Vault 101 dwellers has fallen significantly in the two centuries
since it was sealed (despite messages encouraging procreation), and that
without external input, the Vault 101's population will not remain
genetically viable for more than a generation or so, and collapse inevitably
due to genetic stagnation and inbreeding in some years if Vault 101 remains

101避難所的命運並沒有在正史中講明。Amata Almodovar成為新監督或死亡、Alphonse
Almodovar仍然擔任監督或改由Allen Mack繼任、反抗者是否被阻止、101避難所開放或封













gcobc12632 :一樓帥哥11/04 22:52
maple0935 :二樓帥哥11/04 22:52
howar31 :二樓帥哥11/04 22:52
howar31 :..11/04 22:52
maple0935 :五樓吃屎 11/04 22:53
maple0935 :幹 可以不要當簽名檔嗎... 11/04 22:53

Tags: Steam

All Comments

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2017-12-01T14:30
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2017-12-06T06:23
Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2017-12-07T03:19
Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2017-12-08T16:50
幹 可以不要當簽名檔嗎...
James avatar
By James
at 2017-12-08T23:12
Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2017-12-13T06:43
Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2017-12-17T16:02
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2017-12-19T04:28
Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2017-12-21T15:40
Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2017-12-24T23:29
都叫做殺神了 一路殺出去就對了
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2017-12-29T05:52
David avatar
By David
at 2017-12-29T23:27
Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2018-01-02T10:41
tunnel snakes rule!
Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2018-01-02T20:11
Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2018-01-03T06:51
Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2018-01-05T08:40
Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2018-01-08T11:53
Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2018-01-09T05:15
Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2018-01-12T14:32
Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2018-01-13T16:27
Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2018-01-15T17:26
今天才發現這系列文 花了早上把前面的文看了一遍
非常有趣的內容 謝謝你的翻譯
Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2018-01-16T22:22
只有玩過fo4 看完有想找fo3跟NV來玩的想法XD
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2018-01-19T00:02
Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2018-01-21T13:15
Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2018-01-23T00:22
Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2018-01-25T22:07
推 Allen Mack真的更爛 只好再把他解決掉XD
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2018-01-26T15:53
Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2018-01-27T13:17
Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2018-01-27T22:55
William avatar
By William
at 2018-01-28T16:20
是說FO3的specch check如果夠高(90以上),除了某些高難
Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2018-02-02T01:43
度的選項外(即使Specch 100也沒有100%機率),大多數的
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2018-02-05T01:05
當然CHA屬性也很重要就是,10CHA配Speech 100基本上機
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2018-02-05T15:46
Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2018-02-06T12:27
(wikia的是這樣寫,但The Vault wiki則是寫AntAgonizer
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2018-02-10T23:02


Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2017-11-30T23:42
http://blog.scssoft.com/2017/11/ets-2-italia-coming-next-week.html ETS2: 義大利即將在下週登場 概述: 歐卡2義大利DLC即將於捷克時間(GMT+1)17/12/05的下午發行! 因為時區的關係,台灣可能會要跨日(也就是12/6)才 ...


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2017-11-30T22:55
這次來介紹攻擊方的角色(以下稱為幹員),之所以先介紹一方是因為兩邊總共有33+3隻(後 面的+3是指白噪音行動新增的幹員),真要一次講完文會非常的長,所以我打算分成攻擊方 和防守方兩篇介紹。 在此之前先簡單說明一個不常在其他FPS看到的道具:破門炸藥 破門炸藥為黏貼式爆破裝置,貼在可破壞平面上後引爆會炸開一個 ...


Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2017-11-30T22:47
卡普空組包多出來的遊戲 看起來是一輪爽Game,雖然我自己還沒玩過 (本版 /Strider,有佛心中文化的樣子) 【STRIDER 出擊飛龍】抽獎連結(所需等級LV1) https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/KUTvL/strider-sutoraida-fei-long ...


Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2017-11-30T21:05
https://youtu.be/IOT9T15mkX0 彷彿會有新的領袖可以玩 我只求他們別讓ai 這麼雞歪就好 動不動就譴責 - ...

lv1 台港 四款組包遊戲

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2017-11-30T18:37
大約還有半小atat 慢慢升級中~ 抽完繼續送 Damned https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/QmUM3/damned Sudden Strike Gold https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/F1iZJ/sudden-str ...