Enslaved幻想西遊記 劇情攻略 第九章 - PS
By Poppy
at 2010-10-29T00:53
at 2010-10-29T00:53
Table of Contents
起:紐約逃亡篇(1-5章) 承:小崔村莊篇(6-8章)
再來就是轉:工廠尋寶篇(9-11章) 最後是怪物反擊篇(12-14章)
這邊開始算是遊戲的中後盤 製作小組有慢慢提高玩家的死亡率了XD
這章的補給給的就非常少 喜歡玩道具流的人要自我節制一下~
這關面具一樣有2個 1個是劇情必拿 所以只有1個要注意XD
同樣的 小弟的劇情翻譯基本上會盡量以中文文法呈獻
有部分內容因為"中文不會這樣說" 而不會對原文直接翻譯
對話: 原文 猴哥 小崔 老豬 系統 路人
非對話: 劇情動作 特別注意事項 攻略/路線提示 小弟迷之聲 獎盃
Chapter 9: The Wasteland
第九章: 不毛之地
T: Monkey... You haven't said anything to me.
小崔: 蒙基...你都沒有對我表示些什麼。
M: About what?
猴哥: 關於什麼?
T: About how I broke our deal to let you go.
小崔: 關於我違背了讓你離開的承諾。
M: What do you expect me to say? You get home... You find your whole
life wiped out... You wanna hit back... I get it.
猴哥: 你期待我說些什麼? 你回到了家...你發現你的人生都被毀了...
T: Everything is simple to you, isn't it?
小崔: 你說的倒很簡單,不是嗎?
M: It just is what it is.
猴哥: 不就是這樣嗎。(譯註1)
M: What is this place?
猴哥: 這裡是哪?
T: It was a factory. Back in the war, they built mechs here. Huge ones.
小崔: 這裡曾經是工廠。早在大戰時期,它們就在這製作機械。很巨大的那種。
M: ...and what are we doing here?
猴哥: ...那我們來這幹嘛?
T: Looking for someone. (Who?) An old friend of my father. This is where
he lives. I think he might be able to help us. If he's still alive...
This way.
小崔: 找某個人。(誰啊?) 一個我爸的老朋友。這是他住的地方。
我想他應該會幫我們。如果他還活著的話... 走這邊。
左邊路底有面具1/2 別忘了~
T: You've got to watch out for the water here... It's poisonous,
from mech fuel.
小崔: 你得注意這邊的水...因為它們來自機械的燃料,所以是有毒的。
M: So, this friend of your father's... How is he going to help us?
猴哥: 那,你爸的這位朋友...他要怎麼幫我們?
T: To find Pyramid, we're going to need to follow on of the slave ships...
...and I think there's only one way to do that.
小崔: 要去金字塔,我們得跟在其中一台奴隸艇後面...而我認為只有一個方法辦得到。
M: He has a flying vessel?
猴哥: 他有飛行船?
T: Yes... It's how he would transport salvage to us. I just have to
persuade him to let us use it...
小崔: 沒錯...這就是他將如何挽救我們的交通問題。(譯註2)
M: And how are you gonna do that?
猴哥: 那你要怎麼做?
T: I haven't figured that part out yet.
小崔: 我還沒想到那。
M: Mechs. Wait here.
猴哥: 有機械。在這等一下。
T: I'll scan. One of them... No wait, there's two!
小崔: 我來掃瞄一下。有一台...不,等等,有兩台!
M: There's no way forwards from here.
猴哥: 這裡再往前就沒路了。
T: There is... We're actually on a path he made for people to visit him
at the factory. I've been here a couple of times... Flip that switch
up there.
小崔: 路在這... 我們其實走在他之前為了來工廠拜訪他的人所做的道路上。
我來過這裡兩次... 要掀起那邊的開關。
這邊有敵兵2台(電氣1 盾1)
M: All clear.
猴哥: 全清掉了。
T: Okey.
小崔: 了解。
T: Flip that switch.
小崔: 要掀那個開關。
這區域相當的大 找科技點要細心一點orz
T: If I remenber right, there should be a boat around here somewhere...
We can use the boat to get through the tunnels. That's where I think
we'll find him. I think it's through here...
小崔: 如果我記得沒錯,這附近應該有艘船。我們可以用那艘船通過隧道。我想
M: Hey... What's with all pig stuff?
猴哥: 喂...這些豬是什麼玩意?
T: I think that'll make sense when you meet him.
小崔: 我想等你遇到他的時候就會理解了。
M: ...and the music? How will that make sense?
猴哥: 那這音樂勒? 這之後我也會理解?
T: Now that, I can't tell you.
小崔: 既然這樣,那我不能告訴你。
T: Yes, the boat is here... We've just got one problem. How do we get to it?
Let me scan. See if you can lower that section of machinery...
小崔: 沒錯,船在這裡...不過我們有個麻煩。我們要怎麼過去那邊? 讓我掃瞄一下。
左上有機槍兵(有盾) 右下敵兵3台(爆炸/盾1 拳擊1)
先在原地把左上盾兵射爆後 再過去找那三台打近身戰
戰鬥結束後再用電漿彈打掉兩個射擊點 路就會被放下來了
這區域還有電漿彈*2 醫療包 別忘了利用一下XD
T: Good. Now, help me across.
小崔: 做得好。現在協助我過去。
M: You okey?
猴哥: 你還好吧?
T: Yeah... Let's get to the boat.
小崔: 嗯...我們去船那吧。
T: Let's go before more mechs turn up. I'll drive, you man the gun.
The gun has a light attachment.
小崔: 讓我們在更多機械冒出來之前快走吧。我開船,你來操作機槍。
M: Got it.
猴哥: 了解。
M: More music and pigs... This friend of your father's seems a bit weird.
猴哥: 更多的豬跟音樂...你爸的這位朋友似乎有點怪。
T: He's been living alone out in the wilds for most of his life.
That usually makes people pretty weird and eccentric.
小崔: 他的人生多半獨自一人在這荒野生活。這通常會讓人變的有點古怪瘋狂。
M: You mean like me?
猴哥: 你說像我這樣?
T: As well as being resourceful and strong individuals...
小崔: 也是有機敏強壯的人啦...
M: Sure.
猴哥: 當然。
M: I don't like this... Something doesn't feel right.
猴哥: 我不喜歡這...有點不太對勁。
T: We've got mechs in here... Get ready on that gun.
小崔: 我們遇到機械了...準備好你的機槍。
這邊最好記一下敵人位置 不然蠻容易死的
T: Mechs on the right! On the right!
小崔: 機械在右邊! 在右邊!
T: Mechs coming in on the left! That's it! That's it, keep it out!
小崔: 機械從左邊來了! 就是它! 就是它,阻止它!
T: Up there! Up there!
小崔: 在上面! 在上面!
依序是左上敵1 右敵2 左上敵1
(這邊蠻陰險的= =)
M: What the hell's happened?
猴哥: 他媽的是怎麼了?
T: The engine's cut out.
小崔: 引擎突然熄火了。
M: Well, fix it.
猴哥: 喔,快修一修。
T: I'm trying!
小崔: 我在修了!
敵人依序來自 右1 右上1 上1 左上1 左1
T: More up ahead!
小崔: 頭上又來了!
M: Trip, hurry up!
猴哥: 崔普,快點!
敵人依序來自 上2 左2
T: I got it!
小崔: 搞定了!
M: Go, go, go!
猴哥: 走,走,快走!
敵人依序來自上1 前1/左1 左上3
這邊要射快一點 不然會發生你射不到他 他卻打爆你的悲劇orz
T: They're everywhere!
小崔: 到處都是它們!
T: Now, get to the controls at the other end.
小崔: 現在去拉盡頭的開關。
T: Nice work. Now, get back on the gun. We might need it...
小崔: 做得好。現在回來機槍上吧。我們可能還需要用到...
(小崔是插旗魔人啊orz 明明就沒了= =)
T: This is an anti-mech device. The scanner won't activate if organic
matter passes through. It only reacts to mechs.
小崔: 這是反機械裝置。如果是生物體通過的話,掃描器是不會有作用的。
M: A mech? I'm not a mech!
猴哥: 機械? 我不是機械啊!
T: Shit, the defenses have activated.
小崔: 該死,防禦裝置被啟動了。
M: It's that God damn headband! Okey. I'm going to go on the Cloud.
Wait here with the boat.
猴哥: 這一定因為這天殺的頭箍! 好吧,我上觔斗雲去處理。跟船一起在這等我。
T: Be careful, Monkey. Destroy that turret. There's the other one.
小崔: 小心點,蒙基。摧毀那座砲台。那邊還有一座。
會遇到敵兵3隻(電氣1 爆炸1) 在他們左邊還有可以不用理他的電氣機械
清掉之後走上斜坡 沿著路過去敲砲台就好
M: One down, one to go...
猴哥: 搞定一台,還有一台要過去了...
T: Come back the boat.
小崔: 回到船上。
M: So... How are we actually going to find this guy?
猴哥: 那說實在的...我們要怎麼找到這個人?
T: I don't know... I'm sort of hoping he'll find us.
小崔: 我不知道...我是有點希望他找到我們。
M: Well, after the amount of noise we've made, I'm pretty sure he knows
we're here.
猴哥: 嗯,在我們製造這麼多噪音之後,我很肯定他知道我們在這。
M: Okey, hold on... I'll just get this junk outta the way.
猴哥: 好,停一下...我先把這堆垃圾從路上移開。
T: You've seen another one of those things, haven't you?
They're getting worse. They must be arriving you crazy.
小崔: 你又看到那些東西,對吧? 還真是愈來愈糟。這些東西肯定會讓你發瘋。
M: You know, I thought I was going crazy, but... Not anymore!
You were right... it's the headband. It's tuning me into something else.
猴哥: 你知道的,我想我是瘋了,不過...不會再這樣下去了! 你是對的...是這頭箍。
障礙解除 狗也醒了XD
(果然是封面怪XD 不過這次牠的最後出場機會了)
M: Oh shit!
猴哥: 喔幹!
T: Help! Monkey! Help!
小崔: 救我! 蒙基! 救我!
M: Don't worry... I'm gonna bring it down.
猴哥: 別擔心... 我會讓他停下來的。
T: Hurry, Monkey? Do it now! It's nearly on me! Hurry!
小崔: 快啊,蒙基? 快一點! 他快抓到我了! 快啊!
這邊是狗的追逐賽 獎盃"Bad Doggy"就是在這拿
拿獎盃的話 幾乎不能漏掉路上任一個加速點 然後正路在左側
如果成功的話 在幹掉狗的時候就會有存檔符號
失敗的話 要一直到後面劇情都跑完才有存檔符號
可以利用這段時間直接回到XMB畫面再讀檔 來省下重跑這章之前關卡的時間
不過非常機車的 路上的科技點數幾乎都在靠右側的路上
而且不小心死掉讀檔的話 剛剛拿的就不算了 要重拿
M: Hey, Trip... are you okey?
猴哥: 喂,崔普...你還好吧?
T: Yeah, I'm fine.
小崔: 恩,還好。
P: Freeze! Good... now, when I give the say so, you're gonna turn...
Very... slow... Any tricks and I'm gonna light you up! Now, turn!
老豬: 別動! 很好...現在呢,當我說轉過來的時候,你們就照做... 慢慢的...
慢慢的...如果耍任何小手段那我就讓你變成光!(譯註3) 現在,轉過來!
P: Trip! Is that you?!
老豬: 崔普! 是你嗎?!
T: Oh, Pigsy! Pigsy!
小崔: 喔,八戒! 八戒!
P: Are you here alone? With err... Where's your father?
老豬: 你一個人在這? 跟這個呃... 你爸人呢?
小崔不發一語 老豬立刻就懂了...
獲得獎盃: To Meet a Pig
譯註1: 最後這兩句 差點把我搞瘋(也是這次拖搞的主因...我想了兩天orz)
給他翻個"你說的倒容易喔 啊事實就這樣啊"語氣上實在太歡樂了
譯註2: 這又是另一個差點搞瘋我的地方OwQ
這個salvage的位置實在很尷尬 怎麼翻都不順
譯註3: light up是發光/燃燒 這老豬手上大概是拿燃燒彈吧XD
起:紐約逃亡篇(1-5章) 承:小崔村莊篇(6-8章)
再來就是轉:工廠尋寶篇(9-11章) 最後是怪物反擊篇(12-14章)
這邊開始算是遊戲的中後盤 製作小組有慢慢提高玩家的死亡率了XD
這章的補給給的就非常少 喜歡玩道具流的人要自我節制一下~
這關面具一樣有2個 1個是劇情必拿 所以只有1個要注意XD
同樣的 小弟的劇情翻譯基本上會盡量以中文文法呈獻
有部分內容因為"中文不會這樣說" 而不會對原文直接翻譯
對話: 原文 猴哥 小崔 老豬 系統 路人
非對話: 劇情動作 特別注意事項 攻略/路線提示 小弟迷之聲 獎盃
Chapter 9: The Wasteland
第九章: 不毛之地
T: Monkey... You haven't said anything to me.
小崔: 蒙基...你都沒有對我表示些什麼。
M: About what?
猴哥: 關於什麼?
T: About how I broke our deal to let you go.
小崔: 關於我違背了讓你離開的承諾。
M: What do you expect me to say? You get home... You find your whole
life wiped out... You wanna hit back... I get it.
猴哥: 你期待我說些什麼? 你回到了家...你發現你的人生都被毀了...
T: Everything is simple to you, isn't it?
小崔: 你說的倒很簡單,不是嗎?
M: It just is what it is.
猴哥: 不就是這樣嗎。(譯註1)
M: What is this place?
猴哥: 這裡是哪?
T: It was a factory. Back in the war, they built mechs here. Huge ones.
小崔: 這裡曾經是工廠。早在大戰時期,它們就在這製作機械。很巨大的那種。
M: ...and what are we doing here?
猴哥: ...那我們來這幹嘛?
T: Looking for someone. (Who?) An old friend of my father. This is where
he lives. I think he might be able to help us. If he's still alive...
This way.
小崔: 找某個人。(誰啊?) 一個我爸的老朋友。這是他住的地方。
我想他應該會幫我們。如果他還活著的話... 走這邊。
左邊路底有面具1/2 別忘了~
T: You've got to watch out for the water here... It's poisonous,
from mech fuel.
小崔: 你得注意這邊的水...因為它們來自機械的燃料,所以是有毒的。
M: So, this friend of your father's... How is he going to help us?
猴哥: 那,你爸的這位朋友...他要怎麼幫我們?
T: To find Pyramid, we're going to need to follow on of the slave ships...
...and I think there's only one way to do that.
小崔: 要去金字塔,我們得跟在其中一台奴隸艇後面...而我認為只有一個方法辦得到。
M: He has a flying vessel?
猴哥: 他有飛行船?
T: Yes... It's how he would transport salvage to us. I just have to
persuade him to let us use it...
小崔: 沒錯...這就是他將如何挽救我們的交通問題。(譯註2)
M: And how are you gonna do that?
猴哥: 那你要怎麼做?
T: I haven't figured that part out yet.
小崔: 我還沒想到那。
M: Mechs. Wait here.
猴哥: 有機械。在這等一下。
T: I'll scan. One of them... No wait, there's two!
小崔: 我來掃瞄一下。有一台...不,等等,有兩台!
M: There's no way forwards from here.
猴哥: 這裡再往前就沒路了。
T: There is... We're actually on a path he made for people to visit him
at the factory. I've been here a couple of times... Flip that switch
up there.
小崔: 路在這... 我們其實走在他之前為了來工廠拜訪他的人所做的道路上。
我來過這裡兩次... 要掀起那邊的開關。
這邊有敵兵2台(電氣1 盾1)
M: All clear.
猴哥: 全清掉了。
T: Okey.
小崔: 了解。
T: Flip that switch.
小崔: 要掀那個開關。
這區域相當的大 找科技點要細心一點orz
T: If I remenber right, there should be a boat around here somewhere...
We can use the boat to get through the tunnels. That's where I think
we'll find him. I think it's through here...
小崔: 如果我記得沒錯,這附近應該有艘船。我們可以用那艘船通過隧道。我想
M: Hey... What's with all pig stuff?
猴哥: 喂...這些豬是什麼玩意?
T: I think that'll make sense when you meet him.
小崔: 我想等你遇到他的時候就會理解了。
M: ...and the music? How will that make sense?
猴哥: 那這音樂勒? 這之後我也會理解?
T: Now that, I can't tell you.
小崔: 既然這樣,那我不能告訴你。
T: Yes, the boat is here... We've just got one problem. How do we get to it?
Let me scan. See if you can lower that section of machinery...
小崔: 沒錯,船在這裡...不過我們有個麻煩。我們要怎麼過去那邊? 讓我掃瞄一下。
左上有機槍兵(有盾) 右下敵兵3台(爆炸/盾1 拳擊1)
先在原地把左上盾兵射爆後 再過去找那三台打近身戰
戰鬥結束後再用電漿彈打掉兩個射擊點 路就會被放下來了
這區域還有電漿彈*2 醫療包 別忘了利用一下XD
T: Good. Now, help me across.
小崔: 做得好。現在協助我過去。
M: You okey?
猴哥: 你還好吧?
T: Yeah... Let's get to the boat.
小崔: 嗯...我們去船那吧。
T: Let's go before more mechs turn up. I'll drive, you man the gun.
The gun has a light attachment.
小崔: 讓我們在更多機械冒出來之前快走吧。我開船,你來操作機槍。
M: Got it.
猴哥: 了解。
M: More music and pigs... This friend of your father's seems a bit weird.
猴哥: 更多的豬跟音樂...你爸的這位朋友似乎有點怪。
T: He's been living alone out in the wilds for most of his life.
That usually makes people pretty weird and eccentric.
小崔: 他的人生多半獨自一人在這荒野生活。這通常會讓人變的有點古怪瘋狂。
M: You mean like me?
猴哥: 你說像我這樣?
T: As well as being resourceful and strong individuals...
小崔: 也是有機敏強壯的人啦...
M: Sure.
猴哥: 當然。
M: I don't like this... Something doesn't feel right.
猴哥: 我不喜歡這...有點不太對勁。
T: We've got mechs in here... Get ready on that gun.
小崔: 我們遇到機械了...準備好你的機槍。
這邊最好記一下敵人位置 不然蠻容易死的
T: Mechs on the right! On the right!
小崔: 機械在右邊! 在右邊!
T: Mechs coming in on the left! That's it! That's it, keep it out!
小崔: 機械從左邊來了! 就是它! 就是它,阻止它!
T: Up there! Up there!
小崔: 在上面! 在上面!
依序是左上敵1 右敵2 左上敵1
(這邊蠻陰險的= =)
M: What the hell's happened?
猴哥: 他媽的是怎麼了?
T: The engine's cut out.
小崔: 引擎突然熄火了。
M: Well, fix it.
猴哥: 喔,快修一修。
T: I'm trying!
小崔: 我在修了!
敵人依序來自 右1 右上1 上1 左上1 左1
T: More up ahead!
小崔: 頭上又來了!
M: Trip, hurry up!
猴哥: 崔普,快點!
敵人依序來自 上2 左2
T: I got it!
小崔: 搞定了!
M: Go, go, go!
猴哥: 走,走,快走!
敵人依序來自上1 前1/左1 左上3
這邊要射快一點 不然會發生你射不到他 他卻打爆你的悲劇orz
T: They're everywhere!
小崔: 到處都是它們!
T: Now, get to the controls at the other end.
小崔: 現在去拉盡頭的開關。
T: Nice work. Now, get back on the gun. We might need it...
小崔: 做得好。現在回來機槍上吧。我們可能還需要用到...
(小崔是插旗魔人啊orz 明明就沒了= =)
T: This is an anti-mech device. The scanner won't activate if organic
matter passes through. It only reacts to mechs.
小崔: 這是反機械裝置。如果是生物體通過的話,掃描器是不會有作用的。
M: A mech? I'm not a mech!
猴哥: 機械? 我不是機械啊!
T: Shit, the defenses have activated.
小崔: 該死,防禦裝置被啟動了。
M: It's that God damn headband! Okey. I'm going to go on the Cloud.
Wait here with the boat.
猴哥: 這一定因為這天殺的頭箍! 好吧,我上觔斗雲去處理。跟船一起在這等我。
T: Be careful, Monkey. Destroy that turret. There's the other one.
小崔: 小心點,蒙基。摧毀那座砲台。那邊還有一座。
會遇到敵兵3隻(電氣1 爆炸1) 在他們左邊還有可以不用理他的電氣機械
清掉之後走上斜坡 沿著路過去敲砲台就好
M: One down, one to go...
猴哥: 搞定一台,還有一台要過去了...
T: Come back the boat.
小崔: 回到船上。
M: So... How are we actually going to find this guy?
猴哥: 那說實在的...我們要怎麼找到這個人?
T: I don't know... I'm sort of hoping he'll find us.
小崔: 我不知道...我是有點希望他找到我們。
M: Well, after the amount of noise we've made, I'm pretty sure he knows
we're here.
猴哥: 嗯,在我們製造這麼多噪音之後,我很肯定他知道我們在這。
M: Okey, hold on... I'll just get this junk outta the way.
猴哥: 好,停一下...我先把這堆垃圾從路上移開。
T: You've seen another one of those things, haven't you?
They're getting worse. They must be arriving you crazy.
小崔: 你又看到那些東西,對吧? 還真是愈來愈糟。這些東西肯定會讓你發瘋。
M: You know, I thought I was going crazy, but... Not anymore!
You were right... it's the headband. It's tuning me into something else.
猴哥: 你知道的,我想我是瘋了,不過...不會再這樣下去了! 你是對的...是這頭箍。
障礙解除 狗也醒了XD
(果然是封面怪XD 不過這次牠的最後出場機會了)
M: Oh shit!
猴哥: 喔幹!
T: Help! Monkey! Help!
小崔: 救我! 蒙基! 救我!
M: Don't worry... I'm gonna bring it down.
猴哥: 別擔心... 我會讓他停下來的。
T: Hurry, Monkey? Do it now! It's nearly on me! Hurry!
小崔: 快啊,蒙基? 快一點! 他快抓到我了! 快啊!
這邊是狗的追逐賽 獎盃"Bad Doggy"就是在這拿
拿獎盃的話 幾乎不能漏掉路上任一個加速點 然後正路在左側
如果成功的話 在幹掉狗的時候就會有存檔符號
失敗的話 要一直到後面劇情都跑完才有存檔符號
可以利用這段時間直接回到XMB畫面再讀檔 來省下重跑這章之前關卡的時間
不過非常機車的 路上的科技點數幾乎都在靠右側的路上
而且不小心死掉讀檔的話 剛剛拿的就不算了 要重拿
M: Hey, Trip... are you okey?
猴哥: 喂,崔普...你還好吧?
T: Yeah, I'm fine.
小崔: 恩,還好。
P: Freeze! Good... now, when I give the say so, you're gonna turn...
Very... slow... Any tricks and I'm gonna light you up! Now, turn!
老豬: 別動! 很好...現在呢,當我說轉過來的時候,你們就照做... 慢慢的...
慢慢的...如果耍任何小手段那我就讓你變成光!(譯註3) 現在,轉過來!
P: Trip! Is that you?!
老豬: 崔普! 是你嗎?!
T: Oh, Pigsy! Pigsy!
小崔: 喔,八戒! 八戒!
P: Are you here alone? With err... Where's your father?
老豬: 你一個人在這? 跟這個呃... 你爸人呢?
小崔不發一語 老豬立刻就懂了...
獲得獎盃: To Meet a Pig
譯註1: 最後這兩句 差點把我搞瘋(也是這次拖搞的主因...我想了兩天orz)
給他翻個"你說的倒容易喔 啊事實就這樣啊"語氣上實在太歡樂了
譯註2: 這又是另一個差點搞瘋我的地方OwQ
這個salvage的位置實在很尷尬 怎麼翻都不順
譯註3: light up是發光/燃燒 這老豬手上大概是拿燃燒彈吧XD
All Comments
By Olive
at 2010-10-29T06:06
at 2010-10-29T06:06
By Zanna
at 2010-10-30T14:55
at 2010-10-30T14:55
By Regina
at 2010-11-03T15:58
at 2010-11-03T15:58
By Emily
at 2010-11-04T17:27
at 2010-11-04T17:27
By Donna
at 2010-11-06T08:06
at 2010-11-06T08:06
By Ivy
at 2010-11-08T05:23
at 2010-11-08T05:23
By Lauren
at 2010-11-09T16:35
at 2010-11-09T16:35
By Tom
at 2010-11-11T00:09
at 2010-11-11T00:09
By Ingrid
at 2010-11-12T08:46
at 2010-11-12T08:46
By Olga
at 2010-11-14T00:59
at 2010-11-14T00:59
By Daniel
at 2010-11-14T07:52
at 2010-11-14T07:52
By Iris
at 2010-11-16T16:40
at 2010-11-16T16:40
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