EmuLoader v5.5 - 模擬器

By Elvira
at 2008-05-14T23:13
at 2008-05-14T23:13
Table of Contents
A popular frontend for Mame, though it does work with other
emulators as well of course, since I don't use it myself lets
move swiftly to the news:
- When exiting MAWS view, games list focus was not restored
- MAME ini files not being generated when setting emulator
options from "Emulator Setup" screen, making settings all
messed up
- Error when loading image background in treeviews and listviews
if file does not exist
- Bug that did not always minimized the front-end when running
games (when feature is enabled)
- Weird bug when running Model 2 emu. Front-end window is now
restored correctly
- Vista taskbar / Vista Flip3D previews now show correctly when
the front-end is minimized... yay!
- Game name in status bar not properly set when switching between
games filters Minor visual bugs
- All MAME WAV/MNG files are now created in the same folder:
- No more folder restrictions for MAME playback/record input
and save state files
- No need for the arrow in drop-down buttons anymore (tool bar buttons)
- Feature "select parent game" does nothing if parent is not
found or is hidden
- Save file dialogs merged and simplified
- "Delete .wav / .mng Files" popup menus
- Custom MAME wave output folder (preferences screen)
- Support for LCD screen type when creating MAME games lists
(no support in screen type filter though)
- Incremental search by game name now works for view modes
that use EasyListView
- Support for MAME 0.125
下載:Binary http://zemamu.free.fr/EL/el55-bin.rar
Update http://zemamu.free.fr/EL/el55upd-bin.rar
李 居 明 鄭 百 勝 羅 國 璋 曾 智 偵 黃 平 洋 黃 裕 登
廖 敏 雄 王 光 輝 張 耀 騰 洪 一 中 陳 義 信 涂 鴻 欽
黃 煚 隆 黃 忠 義 呂 明 賜 林 朝 煌 陽 介 仁
孫 昭 立 王 光 熙 謝 長 亨 陳 憲 章
林 仲 秋 郭 建 霖 郭 進 興 郭 建 成
A popular frontend for Mame, though it does work with other
emulators as well of course, since I don't use it myself lets
move swiftly to the news:
- When exiting MAWS view, games list focus was not restored
- MAME ini files not being generated when setting emulator
options from "Emulator Setup" screen, making settings all
messed up
- Error when loading image background in treeviews and listviews
if file does not exist
- Bug that did not always minimized the front-end when running
games (when feature is enabled)
- Weird bug when running Model 2 emu. Front-end window is now
restored correctly
- Vista taskbar / Vista Flip3D previews now show correctly when
the front-end is minimized... yay!
- Game name in status bar not properly set when switching between
games filters Minor visual bugs
- All MAME WAV/MNG files are now created in the same folder:
- No more folder restrictions for MAME playback/record input
and save state files
- No need for the arrow in drop-down buttons anymore (tool bar buttons)
- Feature "select parent game" does nothing if parent is not
found or is hidden
- Save file dialogs merged and simplified
- "Delete .wav / .mng Files" popup menus
- Custom MAME wave output folder (preferences screen)
- Support for LCD screen type when creating MAME games lists
(no support in screen type filter though)
- Incremental search by game name now works for view modes
that use EasyListView
- Support for MAME 0.125
下載:Binary http://zemamu.free.fr/EL/el55-bin.rar
Update http://zemamu.free.fr/EL/el55upd-bin.rar
李 居 明 鄭 百 勝 羅 國 璋 曾 智 偵 黃 平 洋 黃 裕 登
廖 敏 雄 王 光 輝 張 耀 騰 洪 一 中 陳 義 信 涂 鴻 欽
黃 煚 隆 黃 忠 義 呂 明 賜 林 朝 煌 陽 介 仁
孫 昭 立 王 光 熙 謝 長 亨 陳 憲 章
林 仲 秋 郭 建 霖 郭 進 興 郭 建 成
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