EmuCon Playground EX v2.3 - 模擬器

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2011-06-17T23:21

Table of Contents


EmuCon Playground EX v2.3 is released. EmuCon Playground EX is frontend for
console emulators (videogames and handhelds). It is compatible with all
versions of Windows (Windows XP up to Windows 7. Similar to Emu Loader, this
project started as a hobby and a way for me to play console games with my
computer, thru emulators.

- Support several console and handheld systems: Super Nintendo, Gameboy
Advance, Nintendo 8-bit,
Sega Genesis / Mega-Drive, Atari 2600, Intellivision, Master System,
Odyssey2, Game Gear,
ColecoVision, GP32, PC Engine / Turbo Grafix, Atary Lynx, Atari 5200
SuperSystem, Atari Jaguar,
Sega 32X, Neo Geo Pocket, Nintendo 64, Sega CD / Mega CD, Gameboy / Gameboy
Color, Super Gameboy,
PlayStation, Nintendo GameCube, Atari 7800, Sega Dreamcast, Watara
Supervision, WonderSwan,
PlayStation 2, Nintendo Wii
- Support all file formats available on the emulators
- Preview snapshots (unzipped only), game snapshots and title snapshots
- Almost any emulator can be used as long as it can execute games from the
command line (except for a few cases)
- Easy access menus and toolbar buttons
- Support 2 emulators on each system
- Long folder names friendly (note that not all emulators are compatible with
long names)
- Detection of bad .zip files
- Settings are stored in .ini files. Windows registry is never used!
- MRU lists support with the latest 25 games you played, for quick access
- Support for multiple medias. Useful if you have games for a system in
various CDs/DVDs

EmuCon Playground EX 2.3 Changelog:
‧ Relative path of games list's background image was not being correctly
‧ Access violation when enablind/disabling games list's background image

‧ Main screen buttons toolbar is now bound to the games list panel

‧ Screen "Add/Remove Disc Games" re-write.
‧ Tweaks in user interface
‧ Updated frontend's startup and quit processes, and removed unnecessary code

‧ Support for Mike's VirtualTreeView component is 100% gone

‧ New system: Nintendo Wii (Dolphin emulator only!). Please try not using
homebrew apps or games
‧ New toolbar filter: game title filter
‧ Type any text and only games that contain that text will be displayed
‧ New tiles view mode (first main tool bar button)


All Comments


Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2011-06-17T20:35
我終於破台了! 不過想問幾個問題 就是遊戲中的地圖顯示有七關 可是為什麼好像六關就結束了? 最後有顯示公主的影像 寫了一堆日文 然後又從第一關開始 不過第二輪好像有新武器 一個精靈留下的指環 攻擊力不錯 不過升級也沒變強 感覺不是很好用 請問我這樣有真正破台嗎? 還是有隱藏要素? PS. ...


Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2011-06-17T12:39
宇宙巡航艦Ⅰ代時期: ---------------------andgt; 惑星グラディウス 入侵 ∣ 亜時空星団バクテリアン ...


Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2011-06-17T11:24
※ [本文轉錄自 Old-Games 看板 #1D-iYjCc ] 作者: imasa (便當俠) 看板: Old-Games 標題: [心得] FC版熱血時代劇場景與人物介紹 時間: Fri Jun 17 11:23:23 2011 首先是這個時代的場景介紹 熱血時代劇又稱熱血道中記 為什麼叫做道 ...


Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2011-06-17T10:54
幫捕一些大台跟fc的差異 這個遊戲是大台逆移植回fc上差不多是在1987年 難度上大台比較難因為魔王的速度越到後面越誇張 武器取得也不同 大台是敵人會直接噴裝備 fc就跟宇宙巡航艦一樣靠選的 遊戲內容也有不同的地方 街機版1P跟2P的機體不一樣但到fc版因為容量閹割就只能玩變色 fc容量雖然會割東割西但 ...


Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2011-06-17T10:34
推 OPWaug:都沒人推宇宙巡航艦+殺羅曼蛇阿這兩個不錯阿 恭喜~答對了!這一款可以說是我小時候最愛的ShootingGame 音樂和最後的逃離關卡都令我難忘! 另外第三款也已經有人猜到了:) ============================= 搭配用圖片 圖一 卡夾包裝 http://i ...