EmuCenter2 v1.6.2.0 Beta - 模擬器

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2011-04-22T18:06

Table of Contents


EmuCenter2 v1.6.2.0 Beta is released. EmuCenter2 is a simplistic interface
that combines the best emulators of console video games for greater

- A simplistic interface that combines all your games (emulators, pc or
- Combines the most popular console emulators in 32 or 64 bits.
- Configure all the emulators for immediate use in good conditions.
- Configure the gamepad to potential emulators (plug and play:)
- Automatic Update emulators included
- Download the cover of the game in one click

Supported consoles:
- Nintendo : Nes, Super nes, Gameboy, 64, Gamecube, DS and Wii
- Sega : Master system, Genesis, Gamegear, Saturn et Dreamcast
- Sony : PlayStation 1 et 2
- Other : Neogeo and arcade system (Capcom CPS, Taito, ...)

EmuCenter2 v1.6.2.0 Beta Changelog:
- Added option "Font size"
- Adds "Quick Launch bar" option
- Added option "Covers size / ratio" ("View" menu)
- Adds gamepad support for Sony PSP
- Fixed several problems in the management of the gamepad support
- Fix residual icon of JoyToKey in system tray
- Option "Video Quality" integrates JPCSP (bilinear filter)
- Removes Obselete options in menu "Game option" for PSP
- Adjourn PSP emulator: JPCSP SVN version 0.6 build 2090 x86/x64
- Adjourn NGC emulator / NWII: Dolphin SVN 7470 x86/x64
- Integrates M $ Visual C + + 2010 x64 installer
- Adjourn PS2 emulator: PCSX2 SVN version 0.9.7 build 4580
- Fixed black border on some flat buttons in a loss of focus


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