Emu Loader v6.1.5 - 模擬器

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2011-04-23T23:36

Table of Contents


Emu Loader v6.1.5 is released. Emu Loader was created to manage an arcade
games emulator called M.A.M.E. With this frontend, you can change practically
any option that is available in the emulator, like the screen resolution,
sound quality, game options, etc. There are lots of extra features that makes
your life much more easier, like the snapshots viewer where all captured
images from M.A.M.E. games can be viewed when selecting games.

Emu Loader v6.1.5 Changelog:
- Played column was not being sorted correctly. All other columns are sorted
as strings so, they should sort correctly
- When in grouped view mode, all columns were being indented (clone games).
Only the title column should be indented
- Games filters were messing games list up (main tool bar buttons, left panel
filter, text bar filter)


After scaning a single game, left panel filter is re-applied if enabled


- New setting: "Disable Clone Indent" (main menu "View"). Check this option
to prevent clone games indentation (grouped view mode only)


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Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2011-04-23T21:09
我下載了大型電玩mame的灌籃高手 但是卻發現一個問題 沒有主播的配音 [nice shot] 還有人物不知道有沒有聲音我忘了 大家能幫我解決嗎? 謝謝~ - ...


Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2011-04-23T14:42
各位版友大家好^^ 小弟最近才開始接觸MAME模擬器 印象中只玩過 The King of Figthers 99 請問一下有版友能分享一下 MAME不得不玩的經典遊戲嗎? 謝謝^^ 對了,如果可以的話,請給我遊戲的英文title 謝謝大家 - ...