DS2x86 v0.20 Beta - 模擬器

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2011-07-25T19:24

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DS2x86 v0.20 Beta is released. DS2x86 is a version of DSx86 for the SuperCard
DSTwo flash cart. DSx86 is a PC emulator for Nintendo DS.

DS2x86 v0.20 Beta Changelog:

This version has the following major changes:
- FPU support! Only in 32-bit protected mode, and not all opcodes are yet
completely supported, though.
- Fixed an unaligned memory access crash in EMS function 0x57 (Aladdin)
- Built with SDK version 0.13, which hopefully helps with the audio problems
in the previous version. I had not noticed I still used older SDK version.
- Compiled with flag -no-long-jumps, which makes the C code smaller & faster.


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