DS2x86 v0.07 Alpha - 模擬器

Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2011-04-25T19:08

Table of Contents


DS2x86 v0.07 Alpha is released. DS2x86 is a version of DSx86 for the
SuperCard DSTwo flash cart. DSx86 is a PC emulator for Nintendo DS.

DS2x86 v0.07 Alpha Changelog:

DS2x86 v0.07 Alpha Release Notes

This version has the following improvements:
- Blinking cursor in text modes (finally!).
- HIMEM.SYS emulation added, allows Chaos Engine to run.
- Fixed a serious total crash problem in 32-bit string opcodes.
- Fixed a stack alignment problem that could cause "Exception 4" BSOD errors.
- Improved BSOD reporting, now includes a stack trace.
- Improved horizontal blank reporting, this might solve hanging problems
in some games.
- Improved Mode-X graphics blitting code to handle wrap-around properly.
- Changed the screen refresh interrupt interval from 60Hz to 59Hz. This
might help with the intermittent "stuck key" problem in some games.
- Direct file read to EGA memory is now supported (f.ex. in "Heimdall").
- Implemented a number of previously missing opcodes.



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