Dreamcast: Demul 0.4.1 WIP Release - 模擬器

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2008-06-24T10:25

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DEMUL is a new Sega Dreamcast and Sega Naomi Emulator for Windows and was
released in a new beta version today.

No english changelog available, here′s a machine translated version:

[DC] Demul 0.4.1 WIP Release

CaH4e3 Today, 21:57
It is time to submit yet another version of the suffering Russian-Soviet
emulator Drimkasta Demul.

I hope you have waited this just as we are. The same would have liked that
the new version lives up your hopes, as well as ours. After a year and a half
develop again became quite active phase, so this is not the latest version
for this year. I do not want to disappoint you, but it is still far from
final and ideal solution. Much work, but because now emulators Drima already
quite a lot, including actively developing, is where to draw ideas and what
to strive.

It was agreed to build this audience for its comprehensive testing, as the
bug is still left quite a lot, you should at least know where they occur. So
the main page emulator is not updated, release spread here in the form of
bare without soprovodilovki and additional. The main functions and operating
principles remain unchanged from previous versions, all features described in
the Old readme.txt. Of innovations can be identified only:

In most notably: BIOS files are now directly from romseta MAME and must lie
in a folder in the files ROMS DC.ZIP, as in most mothers.
The kernel has been rewritten several times, that was some advance work
(especially at Core2Duo).
In connection with the above earned games for WinCE. True, not all and not
Sound transformed anew, for the time being tested at the games, he sounds
almost perfect.
Without any changes managed to combine the strengths in one emulator two
systems at once: in fact, by itself автомат Drimkast and Naomiarcade
based on it.
Now it is possible to change the region stations directly from the menu
emulator, respectively, the need for change biosa and flash-file with him
entirely disappears.
A small korektirovka processing peaks triangles gave correction nektoryh
problems on maps Nvidia c driver OpenGL (see Sonic 2).
By trifles corrected some old bugs (but not all).

Slightly more details on the above:

WinCE works only in the mode Intepreter, so quite slow and not always
bezglyuchno. As soon as the realization of MMU will be combined with dynamic
rekompilyatorom, it will be possible to talk about a certain playability, but
not earlier.
BORG speed the withdrawal of personnel, as before, working through plug-GPU
option, although not quite perfect, if you need it. GPU little rewriting, so
much emulation disperse it still will not give.
The sound is so perfect in its mass, how bad in some places. Because we
tested at this time, some games not to reproduce the sounds of strikes, and
additional rounds. I hope with your help we can find more such problems,
locate them and correct. This requires simply tell us about possible mistakes
to make the sound, and the work of emulation in general. I recall that GPU
remained the same, so that part bOlshaya graphic bugs remained on the ground,
so do not be quick to shout about the fact that you have something does not
work, perhaps we already know what′s wrong and are working on the problem.
Of the currently available at the time available for Roma Naomi, supported
only options in the form of ROMov, and only those who have a standard
controller. Mahjong and fishing has not worked because neemuliruemosti
management. Viruta strayker also showed lack of willingness to work, so not
much radio. To start the game, must be standardized romsety naomi of MAME,
together with packaging biosov ROMS in a folder in the main directory
emulator. I would like to note that available in the files romsete naomi, few
are working. The vast majority indicated as NO_DUMP and instead file contains
garbage-filler. So do not be quick to complain that you can not run.
Dopodlinno know that the work Cosmic Smash and Toy Fighter.

Even I could have forgotten something. As the repository moved a couple of
times, a complete list of changes could be traced vryadli. When will reach
their hands to upgrade ofsayta, will be updated documentation, a list of
changes and compatibility lists. You need support as always, patience and
willingness to test the current version, reporting on all the gaps, you have

So, forward:


All Comments


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2008-06-24T06:28
遊戲影片 http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=VZlifhw7Nu0andamp;fmt=18 下載 http://www.bombergames.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1012 昨天才發現有這個重製版, 超好玩的 到上班前都還捨不得關掉 裡面加了很 ...


Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2008-06-23T21:47
※ 引述《wasilin88o (拍賣被盜帳號)》之銘言: : 如果用ps2模擬器玩太十 : 電腦配備如下跑得順嗎? : cpu E2140 : RAM DDR2_667 2G : 顯卡 主機版內建顯卡 : 謝 太十對岸有簡體中文版,還有繁體的 真是好啊 電腦好像跑不動 真想敗台ps2來玩 - ...

Mario world 2 yoshi's island.

Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2008-06-23T11:44
我玩到第三世界的第一個小魔王 也就是被一隻青蛙吃到肚子裡的那關 吃到肚子裡之後 我的畫面就只看得到一個圓球型的東西 其他都被那顆圓球擋住了 根本看不到畫面也不知道要做什麼 只有偶爾用生出的蛋往上打的時候 有攻擊到的感覺 可是之後都一直重複 沒有辦法打敗魔王 是我模擬器的問題嗎? 他的那一 ...


Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2008-06-23T11:00
※ 引述《arbalest712 (雞蛋裡沒骨頭)》之銘言: : 目前是還沒辦法是嗎atat : 最近爬版還有自己去網路上找的結果 進版畫面就已經列出一個比這個玩意更有進展的東西了不是?何必捨近求遠? 請多愛這個版洩洩 : 有一個是要用電腦接PSP才能在電腦上玩(那要這個模擬器幹麻= =) : 另一個模擬器. ...

[MD] Air Buster金手指

Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2008-06-23T03:07
其實這個遊戲很早我就有了, 但好像第一關都沒過就不玩了 -_- 剛剛在找網友介紹的md洛克人時發現有人在介紹這款遊戲 and#34;MD上又一款射擊精品,也是512K。空中霸王簡直是MD機能的大展示, 高度卷軸、光影、3D縮放、回旋、浮點等等效果發揮得淋漓盡致,讓人贊嘆 。該作手感奇佳,不僅遠超SFC,甚 ...