DOSBox SVN r3572 - 模擬器

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2010-04-05T08:36

Table of Contents

DOSBox SVN r3572 is released. DOSBox emulates an Intel x86 PC, complete with
sound, graphics, mouse, joystick, modem, etc., necessary for running many old
MS-DOS games that simply cannot be run on modern PCs and operating systems,
such as Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista, Linux and FreeBSD. However, it
is not restricted to running only games. In theory, any MS-DOS or PC-DOS
(referred to commonly as "DOS") application should run in DOSBox, but the
emphasis has been on getting DOS games to run smoothly, which means that
communication, networking and printer support are still in early development.

DOSBox also comes with its own DOS-like command prompt. It is still quite
rudimentary and lacks many of the features found in MS-DOS, but it is
sufficient for installing and running most DOS games.


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MD魂斗羅 ザ・ハードコア

Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2010-04-05T04:29
魂斗羅,這個令老玩家回味再三的系列之作,從AC或FC開始就活在許多人的 心理,在FC作品中絕對是雙打遊戲中除了科拿米世界以外,也為大家所熟知充滿 革命情感的大作,該系列林林總總出過許多遊戲,今天要介紹的這款MD第一款魂 斗羅作品『魂斗羅 ザ・ハードコア』是原創的魂斗羅系列作品,雖然遲至1994年 末才 ...

剛破的FC GAME--南極大冒險

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2010-04-04T22:58
原文片名是and#34;けっきょく南極大冒険and#34;(結局 南極大冒險),不過片頭畫面 的標題是用英文的Antarctic Adventure. 這是相當早期的FC GAME,老玩家應 該多少都有玩過或看過, 但當年真的有認真打到破關的應該沒幾個吧...包括 我也是...沒破關的人之一.剛好前幾天 ...

MD AD大戰略 攻略地圖上傳

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2010-04-04T22:04
MD AD 大戰略 攻略本地圖掃圖上傳 首先, 先感謝tsukimikusa的資料, 部分引用至圖片說明 m(_._)m 圖片順序依標準模式排列 附上內定時間, 總回合數和大勝利回合數, 以及敵我最大部隊數 部隊名稱主要引用李德哈特二戰史, 失去的勝利, 隆美爾傳和裝甲先鋒 等二戰相關書籍 光是翻 ...

DOSBox SVN r3565

Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2010-04-04T18:59 DOSBox SVN r3565 is released. DOSBox emulates an Intel x86 PC, complete with sound, graphics, mouse, jo ...

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Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2010-04-04T18:57 MESS SVN r7688 is released.MESS is a free emulator which emulates a large variety of different systems. ...