DOSBox SVN r3554 - 模擬器

Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2010-03-01T22:56

Table of Contents

DOSBox SVN r3554 is released. DOSBox emulates an Intel x86 PC, complete with
sound, graphics, mouse, joystick, modem, etc., necessary for running many old
MS-DOS games that simply cannot be run on modern PCs and operating systems,
such as Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista, Linux and FreeBSD. However, it
is not restricted to running only games. In theory, any MS-DOS or PC-DOS
(referred to commonly as "DOS") application should run in DOSBox, but the
emphasis has been on getting DOS games to run smoothly, which means that
communication, networking and printer support are still in early development.

DOSBox also comes with its own DOS-like command prompt. It is still quite
rudimentary and lacks many of the features found in MS-DOS, but it is
sufficient for installing and running most DOS games.


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(Arcade for NDS) PuzzleKlax 2.0

Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2010-03-01T21:52
2010.03.01 可以在NDS上執行「Klax」或「Tetris」的模擬器。 + Added game Tetris Atari + Added sound Pokey for Atari + Management safeguarding high score ...

Super Mario World 2 :Yoshi’s Island

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2010-03-01T16:50
Super Mario World 2 :Yoshi’s Island 出在1995年 由於當時Saturn、PS當道 此SFC遊戲似乎未引起太多注意與討論 我先替此遊戲下個結論,如果你喜歡2D的馬力歐,這遊戲你一定要玩!! 由於電腦配備差加上大叔懷舊心態,玩模擬器以SFC,N64的遊戲為主 ...

請問No$GBA有辦法在windows7 x64下運行嗎?

Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2010-03-01T14:27
最近買了一台新電腦,作業系統為Windows 7 x64, 很怕之前用的No$GBA版本不能相容於新電腦, 想請問No$GBA現在有辦法在64位元的電腦上運行嗎? 如果不行,是否有其他的NDS模擬器可以? - ...

FB Alpha Release

Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2010-03-01T12:37 * Added a sample player to the Burn library to allow external samples to used with drivers [iq_132] * ...

DSx86 v0.05 Alpha

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2010-03-01T12:27 DSx86 v0.05 Alpha is released. DSx86 is a PC emulator for Nintendo DS. Itand#39;s purpose is to allow you to run old DOS g ...