don't know how to play JJ - 撲克牌

David avatar
By David
at 2008-03-07T01:44

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※ 引述《oakleysee (Adam)》之銘言:
: no read on opponents. The button 3 bet seems like stealing.
: <maybe not cuz its 7.5BB raise>
: This JJ I plan not to play post flop so I decide to re-raise as a test.
: My question is: should I just fold here? or make it $23 to go?
: $29 seems too large for me to throw it away.

at work, can't type Chinese..sorry about that.
Agree w/ what starrainy and fox have said so far
here's my little 2cents about 4bet pre in that situation and
4bet pre in general.

playing big pot preflop against unknown is the biggest mistake you can make
on the table.
w/ tricky hands like JJ at nl100, I almost never 4bet and turned my hand into
bluff unless I have history w/ certain opponents and light 3bettor (which
is not the case here).

Here I wanna talk a bit about 4betting pre. As Starrainy stated, you would
almost never see 4bet bluff at nl100, you might, but it's not often enough
for you to consider it anyway. NL100 players don't 4bet/5bet w/ less than QQ+,
except for some spewtards.

Why do you 4bet? Do you have a plan when 4betting?
Good players only 4bet for 2 reasons: 1. for value 2. for bluff. When you 4bet
for value, you have intention of "getting in pre flop" when your opponent 5b shove.
When you 4bet bluff, you have intention of "folding to shove or 5bet".

When do you 4bet for value? It depends, usually it's when you have QQ+, AKo+
hands you are happy w/ getting in pre flop. Sometimes you do it w/ JJ+,AQo+;
it's all very "player dependent". Against light 3bettor, when I say light,
I mean real light, like having over 10% of 3bet frequency or history between
you two. You certainy wouldn't mind getting in pre w/ JJ+, AQo+ under those
"special occasion". For the most part, when you 4bet QQ+,AKo+ and facing 5bet
shove against "unknown", you are almost flipping.

Now here comes w/ the tricky and advanced part, 4bet bluff.
Why and when do you 4bet bluff? You 4bet bluff because you think your opponent
is 3betting resteal, BUT "your hand doesn't play well post flop",
hands like A2o-AJs, 56s+, 68s+, KTo+, small pairs.
So you "4bet bluff" hoping he'd muck hands like ATo-AJs, 22-TT, 56s+,T8s+,KTo+
By 4betting, majority of players would AUTO assign you range w/ QQ+, AKo+.
THEREFORE, when they 5bet, they ALMOST ALWAYS (unless you get leveled) have
the range they assign you CRUSHED. This applies to JJ, assuming you get 3bet
by unknown, no history, no read, YOU decide to 4bet "for value", however,
for the most part, you are only turning your JJ into "4bet bluff", why?
Because worse hands fold and better hands shove.

So when do you 4bet bluff? Remember, when you bet or raise (in this case,4bet)
you want BETTER HANDS TO FOLD and WORSE HANDS TO CALL. I'd 4bet bluff w/
my bottom range, and hoping my THINKING opponents would toss hands that have
me crushed, like ATo+, KTo+ if I open w/ say..56s; or against only THINKING
PLAYERS. But again, 4bet bluff is VERY "player dependent",
I have different range against different opponents.

Imo, I STRONGLY don't recommend any ptt newbies do this, no matter how good
you think you are, or how high of ego you have (leave it at the door when
you play poker, you want your ego or you want money when playing poker?)
After reading bunch of HHs most ppl posted here,
I don't think majority of ptters have capability to pull this move off
profitably.(don't blame me, I'm just being very honest w/ you :) )
or for those who are playing nl25-nl100, even nl200 if you are not good enough.
Why? 1. Because you're risking too much to win too little and often will find
yourself in a very tough situation where your opponents cold called your 4bet
and you happened to flop a are FORCED to continue but you're not
happy about it. 2. You're thinking too much at the level you play anyway,
your opponents are NOT that good and "they don't think about the relative
strength of their hand compare to your hand range, all they look at is
the obsolute strength of their hand to the board texture."
For low limit NL cash games, ABC poker and str8forward play is a guarantee
fireway to win good amount of money. So, I'd just stick to TAG play in low
limit cash games.

By the way, if you can't handle JJ well in some tough spots, I don't think
you should stay at nl100 either. I'd drop down level and get more experience
first before burning money at higher lvl.

hope it helps.


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(就是007 Casino Royale裡面James Bond玩的那種)
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All Comments

Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2008-03-07T14:36
推啊,有人4bet preflop,AKo或是TT、JJ還是蓋掉的好^^
Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2008-03-11T18:26
Another reason to 4 bet bluff is so you will get
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2008-03-14T22:39
Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2008-03-16T22:38
action when you are 4 betting for value
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2008-03-17T12:39

Pokerstar 帳戶內多$25...

Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2008-03-06T16:30
※ 引述《fire811 (林貝)》之銘言: : 今天看Cashier的History : 3/3 08:11 CREDIT PURCHASE $25.00 : 是信用卡付款25元嗎... : 現在錢也進來了.. : 可是我並沒有刷過阿...慌阿 您可以去確認一下您的EMAIL... 無論是FPP達到25 ...

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Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2008-03-06T15:56
今天看Cashier的History 3/3 08:11 CREDIT PURCHASE $25.00 是信用卡付款25元嗎... 現在錢也進來了.. 可是我並沒有刷過阿...慌阿 - ...

AK 同花色

David avatar
By David
at 2008-03-06T12:38
最近的一個牌局nl 10/20 AK heart preflop 我(dealer)[13000about]raise to 200 然後被(BB)[7000about]raise to 1000 question1:call or fold ? flop:Jh 2h 3s 對方bet 1200 qu ...

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Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2008-03-06T11:53
想請教一下有用過的各位 哪個比較好用點 我做了些research 似乎pokeroffice2有比較user friendy interface 而且不用加上pokerace hud就可以display oppo. stats 我看到某個review說他可以直接從hand history data ...


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