DolphinFX - 模擬器

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2013-11-19T12:45

Table of Contents




DolphinFX is a WIP shader suite for Dolphin's OpenGL backend. I don't know
how many will be interested in this but the description is below;

Current effects include:
‧FXAA (Fast Approximate Anti Aliasing)
‧NFAA (Normal Filter Anti Aliasing)
‧High Pass Bloom
‧Per-Channel Gamma Correction
‧Scene Tone Mapping
‧RGB Colour Correction
‧S-Curve Contrast Enhancement
‧Texture Sharpening
‧Toon Shader

You can enable, or disable each effect from inside the shader file.
Everything is customizable. Settings are clearly sectioned, and labeled. Use
the documentation comments for instructions on each option.

To Install:
Extract DolphinFX to your Dolphin-> \Sys\Shaders folder. Then enable the
shader in the OpenGL graphics options->enhancements->post-processing

To Edit Settings:
Open DolphinFX.glsl in a text editor. I recommend Notepad++. It will look
crazy messy if you use regular notepad to edit. You can enable, disable, and
customize various options, for each effect. The default setup is neutral.
Which tries to enhance to game's visuals without changing the tone & feel of
it. If you're not happy with the default setup, there are plenty of settings
to customize everything to your liking.

I'll add effects as I get ideas. I plan on implementing SSAO sometime in the
future, but for now, the info I can get at the shader stage in official
builds is not enough to do this. I would also need vertex access, which
currently would require me to compile custom builds for it. Which I'd rather
not do, as it would reduce the overall usability of the shader (i.e. you
would require my builds to use it).

A few random, bad on/off screens below, and one screen example of the
settings viewed in notepad++ with a syntax highlighter. Only lossy jpegs
though, it's to reduce size. Save & view in full screen for a proper


All Comments

pcx2 1.0.0金手指使用遊戲會崩潰

Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2013-11-19T09:01
最近打第三次機器人大戰阿法 打到後面嚴重卡關 想要用個金手指讓自己輕鬆點 爬文後參照 步驟都正常照做了 但一開遊戲不到10秒遊戲就崩潰了 想請問這問題是出在哪阿= = - ...

Dolphin 不同版本記憶無法轉移嗎?

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2013-11-18T23:51
目前使用Dolphin 4.0-96 裡面有一些遊戲的存檔 但我把版本改成目前最新 Dolphin 4.0-399 遊戲存檔要怎麼帶過來? 不是把Dolphin目錄下的 sys檔案匣複制過去覆蓋過去就好了嘛 為什麼我覆蓋過去記錄存檔不會存? - ...

my boy gba 連線對戰

Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2013-11-18T21:03
目前我和我朋友已成功測出wifi和藍芽連線 甚至是跨遊戲連線的方法 但是一直都是雙人對戰 不知道myboy這模擬器是否支援三人四人連線對戰呢 因為每次連線時好像都被限制在雙人連接 還是有特別的設定方法呢 -- Sent from my Android - ...


William avatar
By William
at 2013-11-18T20:03
之前一直說的ドミナ鎮,這邊來談一下會發生的主要事件吧! 然後,神曲Hometown Domina以及各種衍生版本 (原曲) (吉他版) ...


Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2013-11-18T18:46
記得N年前想玩轟炸超人 塗鴉小子大進擊都只能兩人玩 照理說遊戲設定能4人應該就能4人玩了吧?? 然後剛剛想說試試看新版1.9版的 還是不行... 全部都設定鍵盤or USB手把都不能動.. google也完全沒任何人有答案 我只是想問一下有沒有人成功3人以上可以玩的 感謝 - ...