Dolphin SVN r7597 - 模擬器

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2011-06-15T02:13

Table of Contents

Dolphin SVN r7597 is released. Dolphin is the first Gamecube emulator able to
run commercial games! Dolphin is a great Gamecube(NGC) and Wii emulator. It
has a partial Wii support and plays most Gamecube games. SSSE3 and SSE4
optimized are enabled in this build.

Dolphin SVN changelog:
Adjusted the IPC_HLE timing to fix the stuck rumble problem in some games.
Fixes issue 4532.

Make sure to reserve() exactly the right amount of elements for the
std::vector before filling it with CheatSearchResult's, in order to prevent
automatic re-allocations.
It turns out that this (somewhat) gets rid of memory-related exceptions which
used to occur (especially) during 8-bit cheat searches. At least this is the
case with my computer that has 3GB of RAM (the issue didn't seem to be caused
by 100% of RAM usage, however).
Hopefully you'll be able to perform the following steps without errors now:
1. Open any game in Dolphin;
2. Go to Tools->Cheats Manager, and open the "Cheat Search" tab;
3. Preferably set the "Data Size" to 8-bit (the smaller, the more initial
search results);
4. Press the "New Scan" button;
5. Use the "Unknown" search filter (which won't narrow the results down at
6. Press the "Next Scan" button.
(oh, and fix a typo in a comment I introduced in r6791 :p)

Revert r7078.
Downgrades Cg to 3.0.0007 again since the November release caused too much
trouble for some users.
Fixes issue 4107

Wiimote configuration dialog: Select first Wiimote tab by default. Fixes
issue 4587.

Windows: Sets the cwd to the folder that dolphin.exe resides in.
Removes the ugliness that was the portable file, and now creating a shortcut
or file association is less of a pain
it is still necessary to modify the file association from ".../dolphin.exe"
"%1" to ".../dolphin.exe" /e "%1"

Revert r7421 and r7422. Should fix issue 4413.

just a little cleanup to maintain minimal interfaces

We need to require at least shader 2.0a now


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