Dolphin SVN r5000 - 模擬器

Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2010-02-03T16:43

Table of Contents

Dolphin SVN r5000 is released.Dolphin is the first Gamecube emulator able to
run commercial games! Dolphin is a great Gamecube(NGC) and Wii emulator.It
has a partial Wii support and plays most Gamecube games.

Dolphin SVN changelog:
Fixes detection of some wii root files
Falcon4ever prefers to keep a standalone code copy of nJoy in repository.
Nakee, please make a branch/tag after release so that the code of nJoy will
be saved as a standalone plugin
Revert commit 4997 and fix in a way that is more consistent with the
structure before the global build patch
a lot of modifications here :)
first fixed scaling when updating backbuffer to make it friendly with
encoders, now frame dumping must work without errors in any codec. clean
screenshot and frame dumping code now is more correct, faster and stable.
improve safe texture cache, improving the distribution of the hash algorithm,
including tlut hash in the final hash of the texture, and making use of a 64
hash to make it more accurate. clean a lot of code and corrected some
missused vertex formats when drawing full screen quads. and biggest change
last: implemented pseudo antialiasing: a image post-process algorithm that
mimics antialiazing and is fare more easier to implement in this scenario.
you can change the intensity of the effect changing the values of the
antialiasing combo. the right value depends on the game. for example mkwii
looks awesome with 8x.
please try all the changes and let me know the results. if something is
broken, please let me know and will fix it asap.


All Comments

Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2010-02-05T07:43
Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2010-02-06T03:48
喔喔 終於破5000了

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