Dolphin SVN R421 - 模擬器

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2008-09-05T18:29

Table of Contents

※ 引述《OPWaug (哼哼)》之銘言:

421跟VS2008 Rev 265 出來了

r441 Fixed ProtectFunction(): it should copy parameters using the padded
size. Actually, I am not sure this function is correct, but at least its
implementation is now equivalent to the original (before rev 439).

r440 +2 Linux: Made PadSimple actually work in Linux, removed the SDL
dependency since Fires yelled at me (a long time ago).Tmator, you will have
to use something else and Video Plugin Skips key events in Linux.

r439 Align stack to 16-byte boundary when compiling in 32-bit mode with GCC.
This is required to run anything on OS

r438 Wiimote: added ACL connection setup.
r437 Removed CHAR typedef.

r436 Replaced "CHAR" by "char": there is no mention of type CHAR on MSDN,
the argument to which CHAR* is passed is documented as being char* and the
function would be broken if sizeof(CHAR) would be different from 1.



All Comments

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2008-09-07T07:26
Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2008-09-08T01:54
我的配備:AMD X2 5000,顯卡:3870...


Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2008-09-05T18:29
因為當初接觸這遊戲是台灣{瑪莉歐奇蹟版之第xx代}數字純參考用 此為NES(FC)產物 這遊戲是分小關一關一關打怪 而且該關後面有頭目(有一關是機器人 第4關打鬼樹) 招式有:可以變身成大象或青蛙或飛鳥(好像維持90多秒) 10秒內無敵(好像叫雷神) 或5個大劍氣攻擊 主角僅三格命 很容易死 ...

VirtualBox 2.0.0

Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2008-09-05T14:21
2008.09.04 This version is a major update. The following major new features were added: - 64 bits guest support (64 bits host only) - ...

XEBRA 08/09/04

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2008-09-05T14:11
08/09/04 - GPU: The CLUT memory addressing was fixed ______________________________________________________________________________ 下載:http://member ...


Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2008-09-05T14:01
名稱:怒之鐵拳 / 格鬥三人組(Streets of Rage) 載圖:封面 遊戲 http://www.badong ...

ゲームセンターCX 有野の挑戦 第1シーズン

Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2008-09-05T02:12
幾個月前就想把全系列貼上來,不過一直忘記 這是2003年底開始放送的人氣系列節目,目前日本最近放送到第九系列 由搞笑藝人and#34;有野晋哉and#34;在每一系列挑戰幾款遊戲 (有野晋哉在4x台日本綜藝頻道,例如黃金傳說之類的節目常常可見到) 該系列挑戰的遊戲中,挑戰成功的遊戲大於失敗的話,職位就可以升 ...