Dolphin nightly build Revision 2747 - 模擬器

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2009-03-25T15:21

Table of Contents

Here you will find very recent compiles of both the Windows 32bit and 64bit
versions of the Dolphin emulator in both normal and JitIL flavors, As with
all builds, if you have any major bugs to report that are not related to the
compiling or the site, please direct them towards the hard working developers
at to help them resolve as many bugs and problems as
possible, just please take a moment to search their forums and see if the
problem you are having has already been reported or not, and remember when
reporting your find to include all the information they may need about you,
from computer hardware specifications, driver versions to operating systems
and what version of the emulator you are using.
In addition to this, please make sure you are using the very latest compiled
version before reporting any problems.


All Comments

WolfMESS v0.130

Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2009-03-25T15:03 wolfmess is a MESS build derived from the wolfmame patches (via Barry Rodewald) and as many mess fixes (via Chad Hur ...

SuperGCube v0.4a build 0110

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2009-03-25T15:01 no changelist - ...


Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2009-03-25T13:35
這款遊戲的主機是任天堂的紅白機... 可以兩個人一起玩... 遊戲的內容是操縱人物拿火箭砲轟敵方... 人物蠻可愛的...小小隻... 而且如果人物掛了...可以按密技讓人物復活...繼續遊戲 因為是小時候玩的...所以遊戲名稱不記得了... 請板上的大大知道的人跟我說一下...感恩... 因為小時候蠻喜歡玩 ...


Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2009-03-25T02:31
※ 引述《godsaveme (神啊救救我)》之銘言: : : NO$Zoomer2.3.0.1 : ttp:// ...

X68000 EMU XM6的用法?

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2009-03-25T02:23
又來問問題了,XM6好像沒有輸入CHEAT CODE的功能, 但是有DEBUG, BREAK TRACE.....可是看不出用法? 另外想調速似乎只能調到高速, 調慢好像沒辦 法? 最近在玩一個古老的H GAME--CAN CAN BUNNY(最初代), 它裡面有主角的數 值 ...