DMGBoy 1.0 - 模擬器

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2012-10-20T23:08

Table of Contents

DMGBoy (Dot Matrix Game Boy) is a Game Boy emulator written in C++. It uses
wxWidgets for the user interface and SDL and portaudio for the audio. Is
Cross-Platform: Windows, Linux and Mac OS X builds are available.

DMGBoy 1.0 (2012-10-19)
‧Added a OpenGL renderer. This decrease the use of the cpu when the size of
the window is bigger than 1.
‧Added fullscreen mode (only in the OpenGL mode)
‧Improved the audio in Linux
‧Improved the stability in computers with poor performance
‧Improved the internal timer
‧Improved interruptions
‧Other minor improvements in accuracy
‧Changed the default keys to Up, Down, Left, Right, A, S, Shift, Return.
This change is because most of the keyboards can't notify the press of 4 keys
in the previous configuration. And The Legend of Zelda requires that A, B,
Select, Start keys are pressed to save the game
‧Fixed bug in the MBCs
‧Fixed bug in the SBC instruction (The sprite of the main character in the
game Battletoads is rendered properly)
‧Fixed the E8, F8 instructions
‧Visual C++ 2010 redistributable included in the windows installer (no need
to download it)


All Comments

ps2模擬器 記憶卡問題

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2012-10-20T23:03
我之前用的是 PCSX2 0.9.7_r3636 現在有新版本 PCSX2 1.0.0 想請問我在0.9.7版中的遊戲紀錄要如何轉到1.0.0版裡呢? 謝謝~ - ...


Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2012-10-20T19:28
除去チャーリー偏激的個性不提,他的守護靈筆者可是認為比ユミ跟レイコ更好用. 雖然狀態回復魔法習得不可能,不過取的代之的多是カジャ系的魔法. 在頭目戰中相當的有利. ゼリー‧マン Lv2 (1)デクンダ (2)パトラ (3)タルンダ はなこ Lv7 (1)タルンダ (2)スクンダ ( ...


William avatar
By William
at 2012-10-20T19:00
抱歉了,又來麻煩板上的各位了XDDD 以前曾經很迷那種大家來找碴的遊戲,就是兩張圖給你選幾個不同的地方!! 其中有一款是圖中夾雜一些美女圖,然後幾關後還有一些bonus!! 記得有打飛機,還有左右旋轉圖片,讓你猜原始圖是什麼!! 現在突然想溫習一下,但似乎在網路上找不太到,還是還沒被dump?? 總之麻煩 ...


Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2012-10-20T15:26
那個請問喔我家有拷貝片的光碟 讀不到 那正版光碟遊戲讀得到嗎 請問 還是要轉ISO檔 我不太會用 還請了解的大大告知了 謝謝 我的模擬器是PCSX2 1.0.0.r5350 - ...


Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2012-10-20T02:23
我自己錄的大魔界村一隻全破,也是第一次遊戲錄影,感謝大家捧場~ 我用FBA Shuffle x86內建AVI錄影錄的大魔界村一隻破關影片,不知為何錄起來 影音不同步,聲音會快一點,偶爾有爆音,解析度不高,但路出來的FPS卻有60. ...