Dingux SMS SDL - 模擬器

Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2009-10-20T17:46

Table of Contents


Dingux SMS_SDL is port a of sms plussdl which is a game gear and a master
system emulator!
i based this version on the previous availible version from Dosfish and added
some extra features
like a Scaler (Native Res, FullScreen Stretched, FullScreen Aspect) a menu
just like the one in
gnuboy, the data is word aligned so this one runs way faster than the version
that was currently availible.
This option was already availible in the code but it seems the previous
version wasn′t compiled with it, and we
didn′t know about it′s effects before.

Copy sms_sdl binary anywhere you′d like and use dmenu using the selector
option to launch your games.


Select+start = menu

Game Gear uses the start key, while master system uses the B key to start
(there was no start key on the
original system either as far as i can remember). DPAD, B/A are the ingame
keys and with the Y button you
can take a screenshot of the current screen. L is quicksave and R is

Dingux sms_sdl has been originally ported by dosfish.
This version is based on it and has been modified by joyrider aka willems
Thanks to the original authors of sms plussdl, without them this wouldn′t
have been possible.
Thanks to harteex for the tga loading and bin2h, Alekmaul for the scaler
example and Codiak for testing.
Thanks to all the guys on #dingoo-a320 and #dingoonity on freenode irc chat.


All Comments


Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2009-10-20T12:47
※ [本文轉錄自 C_Chat 看板] 作者: Gesmic7 (DocumentaryPeoPo) 看板: C_Chat 標題: [實況] 岩男元祖7(紅白機同人版) 時間: Tue Oct 20 12:47:24 2009 http://justin.tv/Gesmic 好像很久沒實況了 偷偷來一 ...

(Multi Arcade for XBox) Final Burn 1.1

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2009-10-20T10:57
2009.10.18 This is a port of Final Burn 0.517 and Final Burn Alpha. Source is included. Whatand#39;s New : - Fixed a bug that caused ...


Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2009-10-20T05:21
雖然說挑戰超魔界村沒什麼困難, 不過他是用腳踩DDR踏墊來打的啊XD 而且手上還拿麥克風邊打邊講解~ PART1~5 http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm7614836 http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm7635660 http://w ...


Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2009-10-20T01:26
最近二天忽然想起以前玩的Saturn遊戲, 超級懷念的, 光明與黑暗三部曲、幻想水滸傳、仙劍等等一大堆, 然後想到有一款冒險PRG遊戲, 玩到第二張光碟就壞片不能玩了,當時可真是個遺憾, 所以我想來問問看版上的大大們, 不知道有沒有人記得這款遊戲。 我記得好像叫做 and#34;冒險....a ...


Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2009-10-19T22:43
想問一款小時候冒著生命危險跟哥哥去電動間打的遊戲 那時候電玩功力真的不怎麼樣 印象中沒有破過第一關 反正錢投下去角色可以依自己的想法動就會很開心 (小孩的錢真好騙) 那時候為了這款遊戲 讓一個國小一年級的小毛頭跟六年級的小孩冒著生命危險 偷偷在電動玩具店逗留 最後一次玩的時候印象深刻 因為玩到一半就 ...