DGen/SDL v1.27 - 模擬器

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2011-10-25T21:12

Table of Contents



   * Documentation clean-up, sample.dgenrc update.
* Compilation fixes for MZ80.
* When both Musashi and StarScream are available, default to Musashi
since it provides better emulation.
* Imported CZ80 0.91. This Z80 emulator is pure C and works better
than the C version of MZ80. This means that on non-x86/32 bit
hardware, games that previously didn′t have sound now work properly
(Sonic 2 for instance). Thanks to DGen PSP which implemented CZ80
* Modified CZ80 to work properly on big-endian machines.
* When both CZ80 and MZ80 are available, CZ80 is now the default.
* DGen can now be compiled without any external modules. MZ80, CZ80,
Musashi and StarScream can all be disabled.
* There′s now a toggle key (F10 by default) to switch between MZ80,
CZ80 or neither.
* The Musashi/StarScream toggle key can now disable them both.
* New rc variables for selecting default emulators.
* FPS are now calculated every second for a more accurate message at exit.
* Implemented bool_show_carthead.
* Game Genie codes can now be entered interactively by pressing F9.
They can also be disabled by re-entering them.
* Various other fixes.




All Comments

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2011-10-29T02:25

WxMuppen 0.2

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2011-10-25T19:31
https://bitbucket.org/auria/wxmupen64plus/wiki/Home An Mupen64Plus v2 frontend written with wxWidgets - ...

修羅戰士 鋼 卡關了...

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2011-10-24T19:54
在這個位置 請看圖http://tinyurl.com/6ggps3h跳不過去 好像也沒別的路了 幫幫忙吧 atatand#34; 這一關是在第4大關 如果沒記錯的話... - ...


Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2011-10-24T18:42
幫別人找順便丟上來 還有別私下找我要檔我只會幫熟的人 找我求檔還不如來版上還比較快 畢竟這裡有一堆不吭聲的電玩怪物在潛水 科科 0DR0SH0M -- muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu......................................... ...

MAME 0.143u8 與他的好朋友們

Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2011-10-24T10:37
MAME v0.143u8 更新項目:(略) http://mamedev.org == MAMEUI v0.143u8.1 更新項目:(略) http://www.mameui.info/ == MAME Plus! v0.143u8 更新項目:(略) http://sourceforg ...


Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2011-10-23T19:30
小時候曾經看過一部卡通,台灣翻譯成森林好小子,原名為(燃える!お兄さん) 主角是一名穿著柔道服名叫國寶憲一,平常都是以Q版的形態出現在卡通裡,如果 遇到危險時就會變成正常的形態,因為動畫撥出時間差不多是1988年,所以知道 的人似乎不太多,它曾經有出過一款橫向卷軸過關類型的遊戲,遊戲中好像有4個 人可 ...