Dega 1.16 Pre3 - 模擬器

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2011-07-11T23:25

Table of Contents

Dega 1.16 Pre3 is released. Dega is a Sega Master System / Mark III / Game
Gear emulator, and runs under Windows 95,NT,98,2000,ME or XP and *NIX.

Dega 1.16 Changelog:
+ Made possible to start a game staying paused
+ Stop current video when a game is closed or a new one is opened
+ Made quick save and quick load process whole video file rather than truncate
it by current frame count
+ Updating screen immediately after reset or quick load
+ Frame counter no more disabled when no video file played
+ Windows: Supported key combinations

+ Implemented quick save and load to particular slots
+ Movie file format altered to record whether this is a Game Gear game
+ Now uses ROM file header rather than file extension to determine
game type
+ Added optional new portable Z80 core from Final Burn Alpha (originally MAME)
+ Fixed a number of emulation bugs affecting a variety of games
+ Fixed flickering issue with SDL version affecting games which change the
palette during the frame
+ degavi ported to Windows using VfW
+ Windows: act more friendly to the CPU by not busy looping
+ Added capability for loading/saving SRAM in save states
(fixed "The Flash")

Doze core.
There is a big graphical bug when loading a savestate, but otherwise OK.

MAME core.
There is a big graphical bug when loading a savestate, but otherwise OK.


All Comments

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2011-07-14T02:31
沒想到這個還有再更新....(  ̄ー ̄)"

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By Agnes
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