(DC/NAOMI) DEmul 0.581 WIP - 模擬器

Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2013-08-05T18:02

Table of Contents


   學長,請容許我再測試一次!<(  ̄□ ̄)"

Bugfix release.

Post more issues to our tracker for further improvements:


- DX11: add read fb to dc vram
- DX11: bilinear and textcoord clamp/flip fixes (Samurai6 shadows,
Xtreeme Sports title, etc)
- DX11: clip mode set without GroupEn bit (18Wheleeler map, checkme),
modvol clip
- DX11: fix 1x1 mips in 16bit and IDX8 textures (road marks in Sonic2);
miplevel clamp; join similar texture decoders
- DX11: fix aspect ratio (need test)
- DX11: fix modifier holes
- DX11: fix scaling with RTT
- DX11: fix z plane generation
- DX11: force background deptmode to 7
- DX11: hw-like trilinear filter, optimise shadow
- DX11: network sort option
- DX11: use clip for RenderDepth (fixes arcade 18Wheelerer), RenderDepth
only shadow poly (fix Xtreme sports), UV clamp/flip/wrap inside
(fixes textures gaps), always use color clamp (Rumble Fish
attract), all fog processing after shading calc
- DX11: use mipmap adjust, add supersample (not working)
- HIKARU: NASCAR boot in public build
- HIKARU: sram mapping error fix, now pharrier can bookkeep (issue #54)
- LISTXML generation fixes
- NAOMI: Crazy Taxi debug ctrls
- NAOMI: a bit better Alien Front controls
- SPU: fix cdda status set to gdrom
- SPU: fix loop sound sonic adventure (refix from rev 1809)
- SPU: return old adpcm decoder
- full rewrite aica DSP






All Comments

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2013-08-07T01:50
上個月看到有brave firefighter測試有點感動
Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2013-08-07T10:29


Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2013-08-04T20:15
最近突然想起以前玩的ps版的雷蓋亞傳說(Legend of Legaia) google了一下後發現有人說這款遊戲是超任版的雷蓋亞傳說的3D版 但google了好一陣子卻都沒看到有超任版的雷蓋亞傳說的資料 請問有人知道是否真的有超任版的雷蓋亞傳說??? (還是它在超任上其實是叫別的名字???) 感謝~ ...

(WIP) DU Update: Night Slashers + Enforce

Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2013-08-04T19:27
2013.08.03 I got the undumped USA version of Night Slashers. http://smitdogg.mameworld.info/pics/ns1.png http://smitdogg.mameworld.info/pi ...

(PS) ePSXe v1.9.0

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2013-08-04T19:20
2013.08.04 ePSXe is a Sony Playstation emulator for your PC running under Win9x/2k/xp or linux. It takes advantage of the popular PSEmu Pro ...


Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2013-08-04T18:38
最近在籌畫一個對戰遊戲搶十的計畫 希望大家能一起打爆我 或是從實況看我被打爆 或是不小心被我打爆 XD 下面連結是報名表格 報名後請再私訊與我確認 並約時間 http://ppt.cc/qDnM 也可推薦其他對戰遊戲 po這邊主要是我裡面有列一些老遊戲 像是SFC的鋼彈W我從國小後就沒跟人對戰過了~ ...

MAME plus0.147 進遊戲一直顯示一行字

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2013-08-04T16:35
請教一下 MAME M+0.147 執行美版「最佳拍檔3」(檔名:thunt)時 底下一直出現一行訊息 「special priority mode enabled a000 contact MAMEdev」 附圖 http://0rz.tw/Vy8Jd 但日版(檔名:sandor)就不會有這情形 不知該 ...