DA發言:MaTiAz好樣的!TIFF漏洞為PSP破解新突破 - 改機

Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2009-04-13T18:51

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點擊查看:13日TIFF漏洞Hello World視頻放出!

點擊查看:12日破解新進展!基於TIFF漏洞PSP3000 Hello World發佈


It's always a cool new to see a new hello world on that PSP's that keep on getting dust on your desktop.MaTiAz (great work!) has released a new exploit for 5.03 official firmware, within the TIFF library. Even though it needs many tries to work (as on every single TIFF exploit), it's indeed quite a nice step that will probably lead for other cool stuff, even though the released exploit is just for FAT models.
Oh man, this reminds me of all the exploits that the TIFF library has gift us, probably the most buggy one i've ever seen. Anyway, i'm not saying that it should stop being like that :-P

ps. By the way, i've recieved some mails asking for a 5.05 M33, but as the 5.05 is NOT an official firmware release and it's not really needed by now, i
doubt that it will be released. Also, yeah, i know, there are some japanese games that need that firmware. Be patient.


這個確實是一個非常重要的步驟將會帶來其他COOL的東西 雖然這次放出的應用只適用於肥P


我想它可能會放出, 我知道 有一些小日本的遊戲需要那個固件 耐心點吧

Yesterday, you saw the release of a PoC by MaTiAz of the laughing man tiff that runs code. Making it possible to run code on your PSP Phat 5.03 (and 5.05)
without GripShift. This IS TRUE, trust me, I tried it myself. The problem is, it's really unstable right now, and only works about 50% of the time, which leaves some people to believe it is a fake, well... its not.Right now, we are waiting for people (primarily FreePlay) to make a slim and 3000 version. Now that MaTiAz has released the PHAT version, it may prompt for some "awareness" and more experienced developers, possibly with a PSP 2000, to hopefully make an exploit for us TA-88v3/3000
Why doesn't it work on a slim or brite right now? Well, I'm not a very experienced psp hacker when it comes to this question, but the basic answer is:
The memory layout is different on the slim and 3000. The GripShift exploit worked on ALL psps easily because games don't have access to the extra memory.
So just be patient, a greater "bit of awesomeness" should be coming your way

昨天MaTiAz放出了「laughing man tiff」,使其能夠在沒有GripShift的情況在5.03的系統下運行代碼 這個是真的!相信我,我自己親自嘗試過,但是問題在於它現在真的很不穩定而且只有百分五十的幾率,現在我們在等待一個PSP2000和PSP3000的版本 現在MaTiAz已經放出了PHAT的版本,這個能夠能夠推動很多有經驗的開發人員和帶來許多驚喜 也有可能是PSP2000的為什麼現在不能工作在PSP2000和PSP3000? 雖然對於這個問題我不是個有經驗的PSP HACKER 但是基本的答案是PSP2000和PSP3000的存儲的結構的不同 The GripShift
能夠容易的運行在所有版本的PSP上時因為運行遊戲不需要通過額外的存儲 所以還是耐心點吧 一個會讓我們喜出望外的驚喜馬上就要出現

點擊查看:13日TIFF漏洞Hello World視頻放出!

點擊查看:12日破解新進展!基於TIFF漏洞PSP3000 Hello World發佈


Tags: 改機

All Comments

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2009-04-16T18:46
Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2009-04-20T01:42
Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2009-04-20T08:52
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2009-04-21T23:13
Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2009-04-22T11:31
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2009-04-26T22:42
Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2009-04-29T06:08
希望對您有幫助 http://go2.tw/goz

更新問題 麻煩各位解答一下

Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2009-04-13T16:54
因為最近有些遊戲不能玩 想說來更新韌體版本好了 結果 小弟的是 3.90 M33-3 我如果直接下載 5.00M33-6 可以裝嗎? 如果不行 那要先裝哪個? 想要更新最新的版本這樣= = - ...


Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2009-04-13T16:23
www.xbox-sky.com/xbox360_regional_compatibility_guide 以前我都用這個查區碼 不過好像壞了還是怎樣嗎? 有人知道的嗎? - ...


Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2009-04-13T16:02
因為公司貨已經掉下來,外表有明顯撞傷 已經沒保固了,想說拿來硬改 不過我想要軟硬都用,想問一下公司貨 有限制用那一種晶片嗎? 費用是多少呢?謝謝 -- - ...


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2009-04-13T13:39
我的cyclo已經更新到官網的最新版了 gta也是用沒有加補丁的rom 可是在創新紀錄 選完一個空白的紀錄空間就當機畫面一片黑了 是出了什麼問題嗎 - ...

3.1J HBC

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2009-04-13T12:34
小弟我的WII是3.1J版本 昨日請版友幫我軟改新增了HBC 選單那不只多了HBC還有其他兩個 其中一個是BACKUP 另一個是SOFTCHIP (進去之後還要按A才會啟動遊戲) 但我用了新軟體開啟遊戲 玩神鬼奇航世界的盡頭 玩到一半會出現 本體 說明書等等的日文字 我爬了好久的文都沒有發現 ...